Hello, all -


Esther mentioned her first OS with action planning.


She said:

<I read several convergence methods some of you use (on Lisa Heft's website
- thanks Lisa for posting this!) and found great ideas for the future.>


Here are some of those resources Esther mentioned... 


(or just go to http://www.openingspace.net <http://www.openingspace.net/>  -
Open Space Technology / The Method)


...in the Resources for OST Practitioners you will see papers on 


Convergence: A Conversation

Convergence Approaches

Action Plans


It is interesting to me, always, to have the conversation with the client /
sponsor / host about what they wish to achieve in their one (or whatever)
day(s) together.  Many say they want to end with the group identifying
action items - however upon further discussion it turns out that it is not
necessarily *action* they needed, but a sense of *accomplishment* - and all
their previous models of meetings end in action items, votes or otherwise
naming numbers of things - so that is naturally what they feel signals a
productive end to a meeting.  So I really like to have a very thorough
conversation for as long as it takes to get the truest sense of this need
and then decide what is the design that might accomplish it (and/or perhaps
we have a conversation that to accomplish a certain desired outcome takes a
longer OS or something).  Action? Accomplishment?  Next steps?  Personal
commitments?  Knowing also that a) Open Space delivers closing comments and
reflections (a useful deliverable) and a Book of Proceedings (measure of
accomplishment) and b) I am happy to design in action identification a la
Open Space if appropriate - however if we (the client and I) structure a
convergence activity we need to be very clear on what are we asking, is
there realistic support for follow-through if actions are identified, do
people have the tools they need or freedom to break out of their traditional
organizational roles to continue work post-event on their actions, and so
on.  All very rich conversation and detective work before finalizing design.


More thoughts from Lisa's surfacing into email land today...






L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e

 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net

 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net 


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