Thanks for the question Doug....and my comments would be similar to Chris' response....
a contextual solution, linking purpose to place....raising a further question:

Who holds the space when you don't?

In a facilitator co-learning program recently, we talked a great deal about this.... when the facilitator participates in conversations, and gives full presence and attention to the discussion (and would there be any other way to participate genuinely?), the space may have no-one holding it for the whole group...and this is where a vacuum might emerge, into which might step anyone. Tribes require leaders, and if not the facilitator, then they will hand that role over to someone else...and there may well be a few folks keen to grab it?

In situations where there is a familiar or intimate group, well experienced with Open Space, this does not seem to be an issue - as leadership can be shared around more other groups, this could be a real risk...


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