Yes, explore away.

That site is stewarded by a few, including Toke Moeller in Denmark. The content 
was really born from the Art of Hosting community of practice.

And, yup, good to hike together too.

Tenneson Woolf
801 376 2213
Dyer Institute for Leading Organizational Change
801 422 2665

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Scott Gassman
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: OSLIST Digest - 2 Sep 2007 to 4 Sep 2007 (#2007-224)


I am very moved by the link you shared.

Like a hike, I look forward to exploring the inner parts, treasures of
your site.

Scott Gassman

On 9/5/07, Tenneson Woolf <> wrote:
> Patricia, all
> I'm working on a community wide "Creating a Culture of Connection" process
> in Salt Lake City. It grows out of several interactive processes over the
> last two years with many "bridgers" in the area. Open Space was one of these
> – from which we created or strengthened working groups in a day long event,
> now focused on: neighborhood convening councils, facilitation / hosting
> resources, dialogue process in middle school on what "welcome" means, an
> arts council to invite connection through multiple mediums.
> My current space in it is working with my colleague to support the
> architecture that holds the process as is and invites continued connection /
> co-creation. For me this is rooted in an art of hosting model
> ( from
> which I know many of my OS pals.
> Saying it here to name some current work that might connect to what you are
> doing. Happy to huddle round a skype fire to invite another kind of learning
> and inspiration together here.
> Tenneson Woolf
> 801 376 2213
> Dyer Institute for Leading Organizational Change
> 801 422 2665
>  ________________________________
> From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Patricia
> Mikkelson
>  Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 10:59 AM
>  To:
>  Subject: Re: OSLIST Digest - 2 Sep 2007 to 4 Sep 2007 (#2007-224)
> Wow! I feel so honored to hear that you read this Harrison. By the way, when
> I wrote about the popcorn, I meant Popcorn-like statements--like quick
> phrases and words--but I think you meant real popcorn. I shall consider
> having a lot of popcorn available--at the end--that might result in enticing
> a lot of people stay longer.
>  I am happy to say that Jeff Aiken is giving me some invaluable feedback off
> the post--and I feel so so so so grateful that this list is out
> there--because he is the person I really need to connect with about this.
>  And the amazing thing is that I met him out in San Francisco when I
> attended Lisa Heft's WONDERFUL facilitators conference.
>  I will be very happy to report to you how this turned out--please send some
> positive energy and prayers my way to find some partners who want to help
> get the very first community gathering off the ground.
>  Thanks, Harrison, for your encouragement!
>  Warmly, Patricia
>  Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 15:05:48 -0400
>  From: Harrison Owen
>  Subject: Re: Using OS for Neighborhood organizing with the Community
> Gathering, eventually spreading OS world wide. Feedback requested
>  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>  ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01C7EF05.144CF050
>  Content-Type: text/plain;
>  charset="US-ASCII"
>  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>  Patricia - Looks like you have your work cut out for you! And a good work
> it
>  will be!! I can't think of anything to offer by way of suggestions or
>  feedback, so I guess you will just have to try it and let us know how it
> all
>  turns out. I particularly like the Popcorn!
>  Harrison
>  _____
>  From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Patricia
>  Mikkelson
>  Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:08 PM
>  To:
>  Subject: Using OS for Neighborhood organizing with the Community Gathering,
>  eventually spreading OS world wide. Feedback requested
>  The following flyer is a description of a gathering that I have designed
>  which incorporates Open Space Technology. I would like feedback on the
>  following:
>  1. The invitation itself, including the title of the event
>  2. The way of using OS and structuring the Community Gathering which I will
>  describe in more detail after the flyer.
>  3. The concept
>  4. The over all strategy of helping OS to be commonly practiced in every
>  neighborhood in the world.
>  I experienced OS 8 years ago at an Intentional Communities gathering at
> Twin
>  Oaks and a Permaculture Gathering at Celo Community. I have been excited
>  about the concept ever since then. I have studied it extensively, tried it
>  only once, and finally took a facilitators workshop recently with Lisa Heft
>  in San Francisco (Fantastic!). I love the piece that Chris Corrigen wrote
>  comparing OS to the Tao, because I see this as a spiritual concept that
>  helps us to live life better.
>  The work I present to you is really the culmination of 32 years of
>  researching, practicing, talking about--how to build healthy communities
>  everywhere. Tears come to my eyes because I feel like I am close to being
>  able to wholeheartedly do the work that I have been called to do in this
>  life. I present this to the OS community with confidence that I will get
>  encouragement and feedback that will help me move forward with presenting
>  this to people who will want to have Community Gatherings to empower civic
>  engagement by people of all backgrounds, including the under-heard and
>  under-served people in their communities.
>  I have a vision for engaging millions of people in the job of "civilization
>  building" using OS with the Community Gathering concept, and I would sure
>  love to have your help. So here is the flyer:
>  The Community Gathering
>  An excellent, effective, unique way to help neighbors work together to
>  create thriving, self-reliant communities
>  The Community Gathering combines time tested, effective ingredients such as
>  fun, food, music, open space technology and childcare which makes it easy
>  for neighbors and friends to:
>  * Find meaningful ways to serve using their unique talents
>  * Play music. Dance. Play games. Do Art. and do other fun things with
>  friends of all ages
>  * Take and teach classes. Get coaching and mentoring. Give and receive
>  empathic listening. Get support for your projects and solving your
> problems.
>  * Meet regularly (usually weekly) to keep the momentum going
>  * Find other people who share common goals. Build friendships and trust.
>  * Be engaged in "civilization building" with the whole family and your
>  neighbors
>  * Network with a large variety of people and find ways to get everyone's
>  needs met including finding meaningful work, electing political candidates,
>  learning, safety and caring for the environment
>  A Community Gathering can be sponsored by anyone who wants to better his or
>  her community. With the help of a handbook and DVD that is in the process
> of
>  being developed, just about anyone with passion and integrity plus
>  leadership and organizing abilities can do the following:
>  * Find and work with a planning team
>  * Use Open Space Technology, an effective, economical, fast, and easily
>  repeatable strategy for organizing meetings of between 5 and 1,000
>  participants
>  * Use a simple meeting facilitation technique that encourages liberty.
>  People can effectively and easily divide into small groups to converse,
>  learn, plan, and/or give and receive support
>  * Find an appropriate space to meet
>  * Raise the necessary funds and find volunteers
>  * Keep the Community Gathering environment clean, ecological, family
>  friendly and safe
>  * Use communication methods to help people connect in between meetings.
>  * Make sure that such topics that are important to your neighbors are
>  covered, including emergency preparedness, safety, and food production are
>  covered.
>  Do you want to make a huge difference in your neighborhood and world? Start
>  a Community Gathering in your neighborhood.
>  For more information, to offer feedback, or get involved in a local
>  Community Gathering
>  Call Patricia Mikkelson 479-225-0047
>  Here is the way I see facilitating this meeting:
>  1. Schedule of the meeting:
>  6:00 Food is served
>  6:20 rousing sing along songs that everyone knows
>  6:30 Everyone is sitting down and eating: Introduction to meeting
> begins--an
>  adapted version of OS. People will probably be sitting at tables to eat, so
>  a circle is difficult for me to see happening
>  7:15-8:15 first session
>  8:15-9:15 second session
>  9:20-9:30 Closure with popcorn, quick comments--and a song
>  9:30-11:00 Open mic and dance in main room--and networking and informal
>  discussions can take place in smaller rooms. (this part makes it more like
> a
>  party and draws people who might not otherwise come)
>  Convening the open space goes something like this:
>  "Everyone here has something valuable to contribute to our neighborhood.
>  Whether you are here to have fun and socialize, or to work on a project
> that
>  is important to you, or to find ways to get involved in bettering our
>  neighborhood--your contribution is valuable."
>  "There are two ways you can participate. One is by joining a group that
> will
>  soon be listed on this wall here. The other way is to convene an activity.
> "
>  "Here are some examples of activities you might want to sponsor:
>  1. A conversation about something that is important to you-like how can we
>  have a safer neighborhood
>  2. A planning session around a project you are working on, including
> getting
>  a political candidate elected; sponsoring a block party; getting a
> community
>  garden started.
>  3. Information sharing--perhaps you want to teach some skill, share some
>  knowledge about something that is important to you."
>  "As you can see on the wall, there are already activities which are going
> to
>  take place--including success teams where you can get support on your
>  personal goals; a dance jam; an open mic and jam session; child care,
>  classes; exercise; various support groups" (including 12 step programs)
>  (at this point, explain the one law, the four principles in a classic
> style)
>  "So if you want to get your idea on the wall, please write down the topic
> on
>  the paper provided (there will be paper and markers available near the
> empty
>  wall). And remember, even if someone does not attend your activity, you can
>  choose to take that precious time to work by yourself--or you can feel free
>  to take the topic off the wall and join others. Take a sticky note off the
>  wall which will state where the meeting will be held, and which session."
>  (The tables will ideally be scattered all around, with numbers on each
>  table--also groups of chairs--all will be numbered for easy identification)
>  After the agenda is created, facilitator continues:
>  "If you wish, please write down what happened during the meeting. You can
>  appoint a recorder--paper and pen are at each location. You can even type
> up
>  the results (if we have computers). We will be posting these on the local
>  community gathering website so people can get involved if they wish. Also,
>  we will adding this to the notebook which is available for perusal at all
>  the community gatherings."
>  Then, after the meal is over, and tables are cleared, facilitator
> announces:
>  "Okay, you can go to the activities you decide to go to--have fun, and
>  remember the main guideline "treat each other with respect""
>  Closing would be:
>  "Let's all get in a closing circle. Let's sing: some universally appealing
>  song
>  We just have a few minutes to end--so please be very brief using just a few
>  words or a phrase that describes the experience you had tonight"
>  Additional notes: More feedback requests about the following
>  1. A church, non-profit, or even business could have a gathering like this
>  to build their own sense of community.
>  2. I intend to create a user manual and dvd to teach people about every
>  detail--what to do to create this activity--(any ideas on already existing
>  materials?)
>  3. When momentum gathers in a neighborhood, a 2 or 3 day Open space
>  gathering to help the neighborhood create a shared vision and strategy for
>  carrying it out will be planned.
>  4. As more and more neighborhoods in one city get on board, then a larger
>  gathering for the whole city for shared vision and strategy can be
> sponsored
>  by numerous neighborhoods. Eventually the whole city will be familiar with
>  OS.\
>  5. Once one city has achieved success using the community gathering
> concept,
>  this can easily spread to other cities, and my hope is that this will
> spread
>  like wild fire and every city in the us, and eventually world, and rural
>  areas also--will use os to self organize and make a better world.
>  Again, thanks for your feedback
>  Patricia Mikkelson
>  About Livable Future Project and me
>  Wellspring
>  Eco-village and Learning Center
>  * *
> ==========================================================
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>  unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
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>  ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01C7EF05.144CF050
>  Content-Type: text/html;
>  charset="US-ASCII"
>  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>  xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" =
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> =
>  xmlns=3D"";>
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>  name=3D"PersonName"/>
> style=3D'font-size:
>  10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>Patricia â€" Looks
> like you =
>  have your
>  work cut out for you! And a good work it will be!! I can’t think =
>  of
>  anything to offer by way of suggestions or feedback, so I guess you will =
>  just
>  have to try it and let us know how it all turns out. I particularly like =
>  the
>  Popcorn!
> style=3D'font-size:
>  10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>
> face=3DArial>
>  =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>Harrisonfont>
>  size=3D2 color=3Dnavy
> face=3DArial>style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial;
>  color:navy'>
> style=3D'font-size:
>  10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>
> size=3D3
>  face=3D"Times New Roman">
>  ________________________________
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
>  font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold'>From:size=3D2
>  face=3DTahoma> =
>  w:st=3D"on">OSLIST [mailto:w:st=3D"on";>]
>  On Behalf Of Patricia =
>  Mikkelson
>  Sent: Sunday, September =
>  02, 2007
>  7:08 PM
>  To: w:st=3D"on">
>  Subject: Using OS for =
>  Neighborhood
>  organizing with the Community Gathering, eventually spreading OS world =
>  wide.
>  Feedback requested
> style=3D'font-size:
>  12.0pt'>
> style=3D'font-size:
>  12.0pt'>The following flyer is a description of a gathering that I have
>  designed which incorporates Open Space Technology. I would like feedback =
>  on the
>  following:
>  1. The invitation itself, including the title of the event
>  2. The way of using OS and structuring the Community Gathering which I =
>  will
>  describe in more detail after the flyer.
>  3. The concept
>  4. The over all strategy of helping OS to be commonly practiced in every
>  neighborhood in the world.
>  I experienced OS 8 years ago at an Intentional Communities gathering at =
>  Twin
>  Oaks and a Permaculture Gathering at Celo Community. I have been excited =
>  about
>  the concept ever since then. I have studied it extensively, tried it =
>  only once,
>  and finally took a facilitators workshop recently with Lisa Heft in =
>  w:st=3D"on">San Francisco =
>  (Fantastic!).
>  I love the piece that Chris Corrigen wrote comparing OS to the Tao, =
>  because I
>  see this as a spiritual concept that helps us to live life better.
>  The work I present to you is really the culmination of 32 years of =
>  researching,
>  practicing, talking about--how to build healthy communities everywhere. =
>  Tears
>  come to my eyes because I feel like I am close to being able to =
>  wholeheartedly
>  do the work that I have been called to do in this life.  I present =
>  this to
>  the OS community with confidence that I will get encouragement and =
>  feedback
>  that will help me move forward with presenting this to people who will =
>  want to
>  have Community Gatherings to empower civic engagement by people of all
>  backgrounds, including  the under-heard and under-served =
>  people  in
>  their communities.
>  I have a vision for engaging millions of people in the job of
>  "civilization building" using OS with the Community Gathering
>  concept, and I would sure love to have your help.  So here is the =
>  flyer:
>  The Community Gathering
>  An excellent, effective, unique way to help neighbors work together to =
>  create
>  thriving, self-reliant communities
>  The Community Gathering combines time tested, effective ingredients such =
>  as
>  fun, food, music, open space technology and childcare which makes it =
>  easy for
>  neighbors and friends to:
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>·
>  Find meaningful ways to serve using their unique talents
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>·  Play
>  music. Dance. Play games. Do Art.  and do other fun things with =
>  friends of
>  all ages
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Take and
>  teach classes. Get coaching and mentoring. Give and receive empathic =
>  listening.
>  Get support for your projects and solving your problems.
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Meet
>  regularly (usually weekly) to keep the momentum going
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Find other
>  people who share common goals. Build friendships and trust.
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Be engaged
>  in "civilization building" with the whole family and your =
>  neighbors
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Network with
>  a large variety of people and find ways to get everyone's needs met =
>  including
>  finding meaningful work, electing political candidates, learning, safety =
>  and
>  caring for the environment
>  A Community Gathering can be sponsored by anyone who wants to better his =
>  or her
>  community. With the help of a handbook and DVD that is in the process of =
>  being
>  developed, just about anyone with passion and integrity plus leadership =
>  and
>  organizing abilities can do the following:
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Find and
>  work with a planning team
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Use Open
>  Space Technology, an effective, economical, fast, and easily repeatable
>  strategy for organizing meetings of between 5 and 1,000 participants
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Use a simple
>  meeting facilitation technique that encourages liberty. People can =
>  effectively
>  and easily divide into small groups to converse, learn, plan, and/or =
>  give and
>  receive support
>  style=3D'font-family:Symbol'>· Find an
>  appropriate space to meet
>  === message truncated ===
>  Patricia Mikkelson
>  About Livable Future Project and me
> Wellspring Eco-village and Learning Center
> * *
> ==========================================================
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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

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