Hi Irv,

This question came up when we introduced Open Space to my community here in Canada last year. It was a day and a half OS "Living Together on Saturna Island", with action planning on the second day. A number of people could not come for both days and talked to me about it. I suggested that if they could only come for one day, the first day was the day to be there. And if they could only come for part of a day, make it the morning of the first day so that they could be at the opening circle and stay as long as they liked. People seemed to find those suggestions reasonable and inclusive.

BTW, those that did attend both days made sure to get copies of the Book of Proceedings for their friends who couldn't come the second day...

Best regards,
Beverley Neff
Saturna Island BC Canada

On Oct 10, 2007, at 6:52 PM, Irv Sheffey wrote:

Hi folks,

Got a question related to my first OST conference.

Invitations have gone out to several stakeholders for a two day conference and we are beginning to get responses. Aside from those who expressed that they cannot attend, we’ve been getting some that indicate that they can only come to the first day (we expressed the strong desire/need for full attendance). Realizing that “whoever comes is the right people”, by inference I guess whenever they come is the right time (for them). In light that the first day of an OS event usually shakes outs the questions and day two begins the process of action planning, what do you think about people only participating in only one phase?

My thought, in the spirit of “whatever happens is the only thing that could have” is simply that. Those who attend the full conference will have the potential experience and opportunity to be fully expressed, those who can only attend day one will contribute what they can, in effect giving others their proxy to build on what they’ve provided.

I would think that in the world of OS, what I’ve described is not the first time such has happened. My question - is there anything that I should BE about or DO in preparing for and facilitating this forthcoming meeting? My first take, is to hold the space for a productive meeting, encouraging full participation, but not get hung up on this issue. Thanks for any feed back you might have.



Irv Sheffey

Environmental Justice Organizer

Sierra Club

2568 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE

Washington, DC 20020

tel:  202-610-0200

fax: 202-610-0937

e-mail: irv.shef...@sierraclub.org

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