Though this is old, thought I'd still send it....

Hi Kaliya,

I value your perspective immensely!  See comments below.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kaliya Hamlin 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 10:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [OSLIST] The Disaster of Un-Facilitated Open Space (very long)

  Dear Peggy,

   Your response brought up some things I thought I would share. 
  I hope they will be received as constructive and providing a different view 
point rather then critical. 

  Could we have made better use of those who brought knowledge about the
  new story to the gathering?  Surely.  SHOULD we have, in some particular

  This is the SAME question from the Evolutionary SALON and it didn't happen 
there either. 
  If you are calling an event and have an point of view a thesis a "STORY" and 
then you don't share it well with the people coming when the get there- 
'because everyone is equal' and has 'their story' and you 'don't want to impose 
your story'  well that is crazy green logic (in the spiral dynamic sense of the 
word).  You called the gathering - SHARE YOUR THING so that they know why you 
called them there. Then they can go off with it or not in the open space but to 
have this secret unknown 'thing' that called some people but others don't 
really have any knowledge of it seems out of balance.  

  YUP.  Setting context is really vital.  And we did far more of that than with 
the Evolutionary Salons.  Tom provided a huge amount of pre-conference material 
on "story fields".  There were three talks, by David Korten, Michael Dowd, and 
Anodae Judith woven through the first few days.  So, we did learn from the ES 
experience.  It is possible that was enough.  And it is possible that for some, 
more would have been of service.  I think because I grew up with that 
responsibility belonging to a sponsor, not me, it is not a natural act.  As 
host, I have a responsibility for content that I am still sorting through.

  I have come to believe that strategic conversations, such as we had at
  the Story Field Conference, are part of a larger trend, a floating
  conversation, with different threads of a collective exploration slowly
  converging, bringing together different cohorts who are exploring
  similar questions.  Through these seemingly unconnected iterations, we
  are growing a new and vital coherence among us.  At least, that’s my
  story.  And it begins, indirectly, to touch on this question of what it
  takes to get things done.

  The reason we need to build new intellectual architechure is so that we can 
GET THINGS DONE.  Chattiness to feel all 'groovy' and 'high' that we connected 
to some other people who share some of our world view is not 'enough' to 
address the collective challenge.  I think it is very fair to ask questions 
about getting things done and effectiveness. The nonprofit change the world 
sector is largely infected with a mindset that ignores effectiveness because 
they are 'trying'.  I would encourage those of you who want to understand more 
about this to look in to rockwood institute's work work.  One of the reasons 
they were founded was to get nonprofit leaders to be more strategic and 
effective through better leadership. 

  Yes, I completely agree that getting things done is pretty darn central.  I 
just think we need new maps of what that looks like.

  Getting things done.
   A friend of mine that I reconnected with at Burning Man is involved with 
several transformational 'networks' of leaders thinking about the shift in 
culture we are/will be going through.  He asked the question early on when they 
gathered how much time do you want to spend doing stuff vs falling in love and 
the answer he got back was 20/80 this was frustrating to hear - if the reason 
you invested time and energy to participating was to really transform the world 
- everyone just wanting to stare into each others eyes to get their 'love high' 
well that wasn't the point (it speaks to the need for those of us doing this 
work to have our needs for love and affection, caring and community met but not 
try to bring those needs into action oriented fora).   He like me 'fall in 
love' with the people I work with.  In time he got the group/network to shift 
the ratio to 80/20.  With this ratio we feel activated and able to get things 
done with people AND fall in love with them because we are actually interacting 
and doing things with them.   This may seem radical for the 'sit in the circle' 
'emergence' people but it is a reason that your 'way' doesn't work for 
'everyone'.  I use the circle all the time and my community is used to  it and 
finds it valuable for getting things done. I know in time they will fall in 
love with each other but that is not why they are there and I don't think it is 
'why' we should hold gatherings around transformative change the world topics. 
(this is about my community being in love with each other - just look at the 

  I see this one differently.  It wasn't about having people fall in love with 
each other.  There was a wide range of diversity present - and being expressed 
in important and powerful ways.  To create a new story, learning how to weave 
many different threads together is part of the work of getting things done.  
We're not that skilled at it yet.  My priority isn't people falling in love 
with each other, though that's a great by-product; it is hearing and seeing 
each other sufficiently to create a story that actually has room for the many 

  there is also the other problem in these one-off communities of promising to 
much and things not really coming out of them. I think it is important to think 
about how we cultivate containers for communities to really grow and emerge. 

  YUP.  Iteration makes a huge difference.  It's an interesting challenge, 
because my experience is that when people do meet deeply, they continue to 
connect.  So I know going in that there is a high likelihood that something 
will continue beyond the event. Still, for most, it isn't an expectation that 
makes any sense prior to the experience.

  I'd love to learn more about how you've cultivated this aspect.

  I think the current fragmentation of our society grew out of feelings
  that there were no avenues for voices that don’t fit accepted norms.
  How can I feel connected to a larger whole when there is no space for my
  point of view?  At the extreme, violence is a consequence of this
  fragmentation; if there isn’t a space for voices with different stories,
  then it plays out in other forms.

  Yes AND it doesn't mean that circles are the answer to 'everything'. I was at 
the EarthDance festival this weekend and there was so much 'othering' language 
around the people out their in the "dominant" culture. I felt sooooo sensitive 
to the way the 'hippies' talked - it was very judgemental.  It was like you are 
talking about my friends and the people I work with and cultures I am a part of 
and respect deeply.   

  At the same time when I ran a 'datasharing summit' for techies and opened the 
morning circle with please share your name and one word about how you are 
feeling this morning.  One of the guys who works for a large internet company 
on the east coast shared with me at the end of the day that that was slightly 
unconfortable for him (he was not saying we should not have done it just that 
it had nudged on his edge a bit). I think you underestimate where people's 
edges are for this kind of stuff. 

  With the level of extreme emotionality and 'processing' that can happen at 
these gatherings (there are various reasons for this) I think we have to become 
clearer about how "the collective manifestation of individual suffering" can 
'take over' our events and side track them. I don't know enough about what 
happened at the StoryField event but I do know it happened at the Evolutionary 
Salon and has happened at a few other leadership gatherings I have attended in 
the related but different field of spritual activism.  We should not 'suppress' 
or push out the needs that people have to process their own emotional stuff 
that comes up. On the other hand it does not need to be fully in the container 
of the whole that was called for a different purpose.  We must develop greater 
emotional literacy around individual and group dynamics and not just 'welcome 
it all in' because that may not be appropriate. 

  Maybe there is a need for these things to create containers to receive 
peoples emotional stuff early in the gathering?

  YUP.  I am mulling this one a lot.  I've been in conversation about 
alternatives to bringing the emotional stuff to the large circle.  I've sent a 
separate message on this one because I'd love to hear how others have handled 
the situation.

   The new story is most effectively told in ways that
  are consistent with the new story ·                    Blame, judgment,
  victimization, domination are all part of the old story and when they
  show up in telling the new story, it causes those who are made invisible
  by the old story to either disappear further or, where there is room for
  them to show up, to show up fiercely ·                    The new story
  integrates the duality implicit in male/female, western/indigenous,
  white/non-white into a larger pattern of “differentiated wholeness”.

  I don't know about all this.  
  I have heard people talk about the new story and 'blame and judge' the old 
story and those who have it.  Some how the new story must include the old 
story. It must be accessible to those in it and not make them feel 'bad.'  
  A good friend of mine deeply committed to transforming the world for good who 
is a white guy and getting older read an advanced copy of Paul Hawken's Blessed 
Unrest. He said it was basically a message of 'suicide' for white guys - there 
was not role for them at all in the 'new' story of the book.  The future was 
all indigenous people and women.  This is NOT inclusive.   

  Another good friend deeply committed to transforming the world for good who 
is a white guy getting older (I have a lot of friends like this).  Was with me 
at Burning Man at our camp sustainabilaville's opening.  He talked to me at 
length about how he felt so judged by the environmental movement and 
communities when he was really doing his best and they just kept telling him it 
was all his fault for his wrong choices. 

  This 'new story' must be inclusive of the core elements that are 'true' or 
'essential' and can't just erase them.  White guys aren't going away and there 
needs to be a story that doesn't make them the bad guys.   This is one of the 
reasons I am sooooo excited about the Green Man archetype as a positive male 
beacon to allow transformation of the culture.   If you want to transform these 
guys telling them they are not 'emotional enough' and that there is something 
wrong with them for being who they are then you are not going to get very far.  
It might be a better approach to understand where they are and going from 

  I 100% agree with you.  If you read blame into what I'm saying above, then 
I've said it badly.  One of the powerful messages throughout the conference was 
of the pain of white men searching for a place in the new story in which they 
weren't cast as the bad guys.  That serves no one!  It is also true that the 
story of the dominant culture (which tends to be most comfortable for white 
men) no longer gets to be THE story.

  It is clear that there's lots of need for compassion all around.  And lots of 
space for the anger, grief, fear that lives in many of us - white men, white 
women, people of color, indigenous people, and all of the isms that need to be 
expressed so that we do get on with getting things done.

  Many, many thanks for your clear, strong, and insightful voice, my friend.

  On Sep 18, 2007, at 11:23 PM, Peggy Holman wrote:

    Okay, the title isn't is from someone who attended the recent 
Story Field Conference (  Mind you, it is also a 
very minority view.  For almost all of the 83+ people who attended, it was a 
mind-blowing, life-altering experience.  It set a new bar for me of what is 
possible when a diverse group of passionate people come together for 5 days in 
Open Space.

    I'll say more about the whole conference soon.  In the meantime, there was 
one particularly provocative post-conference reflection expressing a great deal 
of frustration about what took place.  This person really struggled with the 
open nature of the process, and asked some great questions.  (Unfortunately, 
his piece is in a secured area and I am not ready to ask his permission to 
share it.)  Still, I think you'll get the gist through my response.

    As I said to him, there is so much to be learned about the dynamic tension 
between “structured process where everyone knows what’s going on, and everyone 
agrees to the ground rules” and a space open to the mystery of what is wanting 
to emerge in the moment....
    One of the main themes I found in your message was why go through all the 
discomfort?  What’s the point?
    You said: The group seems divided into two camps - those who prefer messy, 
emotional, and random processing, and those who came here for a specific 
purpose, with the hope of creating something new and extraordinary, and who are 
equally frustrated by the chaos.

    I’d offer that for many of us, it is going through the messy, emotional, 
seemingly random processing that we have the best chance of creating something 
new and extraordinary.

    I have a deep and abiding commitment to bringing mystery back into most 
everything we do.  I believe that without the unknown, there is no learning, no 
creativity, no life.  For me, if there is only certainty, I suffocate.  I also 
believe that when there is no room for the unknown, it makes itself felt 
through disease, disorder, violence, depression and other unpleasant and 
unintended consequences.
    Culturally, we celebrate perfection – perfect athletic performance, musical 
performance, total quality in production.  I’m glad we do; I have felt the 
inspiration of experiencing a virtuoso performance.  And I sure don’t want 
airplanes, bridges, cars built any other way. 
    Still, there is a companion to this perfection that I believe is equally 
essential that is not only not celebrated, but struggles to find its legitimacy 
-- and grows increasingly important the more dysfunctional and destructive the 
status quo becomes.  It is what happens at the margins, where something doesn’t 
yet have a form or a name, where it is seeking to come into being.  My friend, 
David Gershon, calls it the learning edge.  If we aren’t playing at the border 
between the known and unknown, we are standing in the way of our own evolution. 
 To be very pragmatic, there is no learning or transformational change without 
mystery; if you already know the outcome, then no transformation is involved! 
    I appreciate learning from other’s knowledge, and believe that has its 
place.  When exploring a topic as nascent as a “story field”, I would much 
rather be present with passionate, committed, talented people exploring their 
inquiries rather than committed to their certainties.  I suspect this is true 
for many, if not most of us. 
    Could we have made better use of those who brought knowledge about the new 
story to the gathering?  Surely.  SHOULD we have, in some particular way?  I 
don’t know.  I think this choice is a useful exploration and would be pleased 
to engage more fully in it.  In retrospect, I suspect we both gained and lost 
by the choices we made.  For example, we did not come away with anywhere near 
the shared sense of how to answer the calling questions as I would have liked.  
And yet I wonder, had we done so, would the voices that are often left out 
found their place in the story?  I have no idea.  I know that I gained a deeper 
understanding of how vital it is for those voices to be part of the story that 
emerges.  And I do know that the work continues to unfold among many who were 
    I have come to believe that strategic conversations, such as we had at the 
Story Field Conference, are part of a larger trend, a floating conversation, 
with different threads of a collective exploration slowly converging, bringing 
together different cohorts who are exploring similar questions.  Through these 
seemingly unconnected iterations, we are growing a new and vital coherence 
among us.  At least, that’s my story.  And it begins, indirectly, to touch on 
this question of what it takes to get things done.
    I, too, have a passion for getting things done. That's why I invested the 
unbelievable amount of time it took to put together this story field gathering. 
 But for me, the important question is this:  given an intention, what form of 
getting things done best serves that intention?
    For example, I co-edited a 700+ page book with over 100 contributors.  This 
required focused, linear skills of getting from A to B on a tight timeline, 
juggling a vast amount of details as I went.  It was possible because there was 
a high degree of agreement about the underlying assumptions – the “story field” 
if you will – of what we were doing.
    However, for something like envisioning a new story, much less a new story 
field, I believe what it takes to bring about wise action is quite different 
from A to B thinking. In particular, it takes a special openness to engage as 
much diversity as possible to achieve as lasting an effect as possible from 
individuals, small groups, and perhaps even a major subset of the whole group. 
This is not a linear proposition.  When the assumptions themselves are part of 
the territory in question, I believe that opening as much space as possible for 
being receptive to what is wanting to emerge creates the greatest opportunity 
for deep understanding and lasting results. 
    That is part of the reason why, when I look at the how much wise action 
takes place in our larger culture and the huge amount of fragmentation that 
impedes wise action, it is clear to me that something different is called for. 
I believe wise, unimpeded action is an outcome that naturally flows out of 
strong, healthy relationships. By opening the space as we did, a great deal of 
relational work was done. What I saw in reading the reflections is a remarkable 
number of people who said, “I now have the courage to act on my convictions”; 
“I know that I am not alone; I have allies”.
    Are you aware of the remarkable number of meetings, conference calls, 
one-on-one connections that are all in process as a result of our conference? 
The action on the wiki, alone, is a testament to the aliveness of our work 
together. Remarkably, a third of the conference participants (27) have posted 
143 edits during the conference and for more than 2 weeks afterwards, and 
    Those people who have the good fortune to be quite at home in the dominant 
culture -- which has an ethic of focusing on action, getting things done in a 
linear way -- may not have thought about what gets lost when that is always the 
primary focus.  They may not have wondered what voices don’t get heard because 
they find no place in that drive for action.  These are major parts of my life 
-- and the lives of millions of other people.
    I think our culture has paid a huge price by squeezing uncertainty and 
chaos out of every place we can!  I believe it has created a wide range of 
unintended consequences, most of which are virtually invisible.  For example, 
one such consequence is an unspoken norm that to be in community means 
conforming to the dominant story.  If I say something different, something that 
is not comfortable or is unfamiliar, particularly if it is emotionally 
unpleasant, it is judged to be inappropriate. To speak out is to risk being 
ostracized.  No wonder many women, people of color, and young people opt out! 

    I think the current fragmentation of our society grew out of feelings that 
there were no avenues for voices that don’t fit accepted norms.  How can I feel 
connected to a larger whole when there is no space for my point of view?  At 
the extreme, violence is a consequence of this fragmentation; if there isn’t a 
space for voices with different stories, then it plays out in other forms. 
    With all that is happening across our world today, I believe the story has 
become far too complex for any one culture to have all the answers.  Because 
there was space for grief, anger, fear, and radical diversity, this gathering 
made creating space for the voices and feelings not usually expressed more 
visible, more urgent, and more poignant to me than even I have ever 
experienced.  I felt my own anger as a woman when challenged by yet another 
straight, white man who saw all of the overflowing emotion as nonessential and 
nonproductive.  I heard, for the first time, the pain of indigenous people who 
have always been completely invisible to me.  I heard the anguish of people of 
mixed race and non-white races expressed as a visceral experience of being 
choked off from speaking their truth.  And I heard the pain of the white man – 
and others – confused and repelled by what was happening.  And the cacophony of 
those voices -- because they were heard -- welded us into a powerful community 
that was viscerally felt by the vast majority of participants, and out of which 
has come the ecosystem of activities that we are seeing online, in phone calls, 
and in upcoming local gatherings -- as well as stimulating conversations like 
this about what future conferences will be like…
    I think part of the reason there was so much “stuff” surfacing on Wednesday 
morning is that we culturally provide so little space for collective meaning 
making of what is disturbing.  I sense that we have 1) a great deal of 
unhandled angers, hurts, fears that are wanting to be expressed and 2) very 
little experience expressing them and dealing with them together creatively.  I 
was talking to someone who said the invitation to discern whether what was 
surfacing was personal or coming from a deeper source was interesting but with 
no practice, she wasn’t sure how to know.  And, as Van Jones spoke on the 
Pachamama video, we also know very little about how to truly and usefully hear 
such expressions of anger, fear and grief.

    When I look back on Wednesday morning, the range of issues expressed was 
extraordinary -- tensions between male/female, western culture/indigenous 
culture, moving to action/handling our emotional backlog -- and there was room 
for all of it.  I personally believe that our collective capacity to stay 
present to it all was pivotal for the quality of connections, and commitments 
to actions that seems to be emerging from the gathering.
    As Mark Jones made us aware of, we saw, heard and loved each other.  And it 
isn't about a woo-woo comfy Green meme feeling.  There is power here, a latent 
power of the whole.   We are only beginning to understand the practical power 
of seeing, hearing, and loving each other fully, together.  To grow into that 
understanding, we'll need a lot more such gatherings -- including a lot more 
continuity as a community.  But that's getting ahead of myself here….
    Right after the conference, my brother told me that Robert Putnam (Bowling 
Alone; Better Together) has just released some new research that says the more 
diverse a neighborhood, the more disengaged it is from the political process.  
This is no surprise to me:  as long as the pain, anger, frustration remains 
suppressed, of course we can’t connect to get something done!  When Grace spoke 
her pain, she made visible something that was already present.  She opened the 
way for others to express their hurt, anger, frustration of what usually 
remains invisible.  While messy, we made room for voices that are usually 
silent, to be heard.  It is that sort of healing that is vital for us to become 
the kinds of diverse communities -- diverse, loving, and effective communities 
-- that I heard so many of us long for!
    And it took great courage. I see this as another reason for being willing 
to open the space for what is wanting to emerge.  As we practice being in the 
unknown together and learn to trust each other, we discover that we are not 
alone.  In the last couple years of doing this work, it is one of the strongest 
lessons I’ve received: when people know they are held, they have substantially 
more courage to act.
    What a profound combination: connection to people who we might have 
previously seen as different from ourselves - which means we have much great 
access to each other to use our difference creatively - coupled with that 
increased courage.  When we do this well, I think the capacity for wise action 
actually skyrockets!  This is not to say that we don't have a lot more to learn 
about HOW to use our differences creatively and HOW to be more effective 
together.  It is to say that our path to higher-order, more elegant handling of 
our differences and collaboration is through hearing and welcoming our 
differences – including our emotional differences -  into our collective 
spaces.  That that process will often be messy goes without saying.  But it is 
out of that messiness that our increased collective capacity and communion 
    I once heard a story of week-long Native American powwows in which they 
drum and dance and worship and socialize for almost the entire time -- and then 
get all their business done in the last afternoon.  The communion built during 
most of the week makes their work together a breeze, once they get to it.  I 
think there's something like that at work in the kind of community I'd like to 
see grow around the story field project.  That, combined with the power of 
emergence and the flowering of diverse passions, is my own take on "getting 
things done."  That said, I'm also intrigued with how we can arrive at 
collective coherences and whole-group accomplishments without endangering those 
other powers.  I leave that to our future work together.

    We came together in a meaningful way towards accomplishing something that 
called to each of us at the Story Field Conference more than any other 
conference I've been part of.  What made this possible?  I don’t think it was 
random, nor a lack of facilitation.  I think it was shifting the locus of 
attention from what you would call facilitation to hosting what is wanting to 
emerge in a space bounded by a common intention to understand the role of story 
as a field phenomenon and to use story for profound social change.   I believe 
we are still learning how to do this well – and that there is much to learn.

    I tend to think of this as a shift of what is in the foreground and what is 
in the background.  Rather than a primary focus on the flow of a process and 
keeping people “on task” or at least on the subject, the locus of attention is 
on the flow of energy - in which there is confidence that any voice that 
surfaces has something to contribute that can be heard and integrated. 

    I get that from your point of view there was essentially no facilitation.  
In a way, I’d agree with you as the term facilitation doesn’t really describe 
the nature of being a host to what is emerging.  There is work involved in this 
role; it is just very different than facilitating a process. Because it is less 
familiar, it tends to be more invisible.  Gabriel Shirley used a term a few 
years back that comes closest to describing it for me: running the energy.  
Much of what we are doing is paying attention to the energy of the group, 
tending to its flow – what is the collective mood? what can we sense happening 
at the edges? what serves the whole in reaching its potential?  I don’t pretend 
to know all the answers; I think we are in the early stages of learning how to 
work with group energy.  I know I am.
    For me, a core intention is to be sure that energy doesn’t get stuck, that 
the space stays open for what is wanting to emerge.  While I see how you can 
interpret it as “egos reigning supreme” or that “a big no-no is making someone 
feel bad, controlled or cut off”, there are other ways to understand what is 
happening.  During a reflection among the hosts, Gabriel Shirley named it this 
way: there were two primary perspectives present: 1) each person speaking was 
acting out of their own ego, doing personal work; 2) each voice is there on 
behalf of the whole and is in some way a gift to the whole.  I’d say that this 
isn’t an either/or, both are real.  These perspectives offer alternative ways 
of making sense of what is occurring.
    I think many of us have minimal patience with this because, particularly in 
the realm of affect, our culture has taught us very little about where and how 
to express our emotional anger, pain, grief.  The dominant culture provides 
very few venues for this, so, of course, if a space is made safe enough, it 
will surface.  I applaud the quality of witnessing we were all part of -- 
including you -- at the Story Field Conference, the discipline of being present 
to raw feelings that eighty people held this space on behalf of what was 
    Paradoxically, the dominant culture sees these once-suppressed feelings 
dominating the conversation without noticing that (and how) it usually 
dominates conversations.  The dominant culture is transparent to itself, just 
as our individual blind spots are invisible to us, just as the water is 
invisible to the fish.  Those most at home in the dominant culture have much 
less practice at the discipline of witnessing because by definition, the 
dominant culture supports their way of processing.  Privileged people don't 
have to listen.  Less privileged people get much more practice sitting and 
listening to another’s bullshit. In fact, the dominant culture even 
institutionalizes this practice in the form of sanctioned talking head 
    As Emily pointed out, in our western culture, focusing on getting things 
done is our norm -- often, I would add, to the detriment of expressing any 
other aspect of ourselves individually or collectively.  I can imagine on 
Wednesday morning that those expecting a space for getting things done were 
extremely frustrated when the space shifted to a different purpose!  But I find 
myself wondering:  Is this frustration more or less legitimate than the 
frustration of those whose voices are suppressed?  Perhaps we should focus, 
instead, on whether our choice of plenary activity served our collective 
    There are no doubt gentler pathways than to invite people to jump into Open 
Space with little context of what to expect and with no training wheels.  Yet, 
I know of no other means that makes it so clear so quickly that the ultimate 
authority for one’s experience rests with oneself. And, I wonder, given the 
scale and scope of living a new story into being, what best serves?  I don’t 
pretend to have the answer; I suspect there are many parallel paths.  I do 
believe that the capacity to be present to that which makes us uncomfortable is 
a vital skill for this work.  I believe that the space at Shambhala Mountain 
Center held some trigger for everyone!  To the extent that such triggers feed 
our learning, growing and connecting, I celebrate them.  To the extent they 
cause people to check out, go silent, and disappear, they cause me concern. 
There are surely things to learn about how to navigate all that more 
successfully -- but trying to keep people from frustration and triggers is 
certainly not the key.
    Something you expressed that I found particularly ironic: that there was a 
norm in Open Space that everyone be comfortable.  In fact, I think we were 
quite willing to have people be uncomfortable.  It was just that those who are 
most used to being comfortable were the most frustrated and uncomfortable as we 
made room for voices that are seldom seen, heard or welcomed to show up. 
    And the gift I personally found in that was huge!  I learned a great deal 
about both the new story and the nature of story telling from what took place 
during the week:
    ·                    The new story is most effectively told in ways that 
are consistent with the new story
    ·                    Blame, judgment, victimization, domination are all 
part of the old story and when they show up in telling the new story, it causes 
those who are made invisible by the old story to either disappear further or, 
where there is room for them to show up, to show up fiercely
    ·                    The new story integrates the duality implicit in 
male/female, western/indigenous, white/non-white into a larger pattern of 
“differentiated wholeness”.  By differentiated wholeness, I mean that our 
differences become a creative part of the whole – so that to belong in a 
community is to show up in all one’s unique gifts and quirks
    ·                    Wholeness has holes in it, which has huge implications 
for how stories are told:
    o       If the story teller speaks as if they have all the answers, it 
leaves no room for voices and perspectives that have something to add
    o       Taking a stance of humility and conscious evolution, recognizing 
that the story is never complete allows space for new aspects to show up and be 
    o       Being curious when missing voices show up is of service to the 
whole, inviting a more whole version of our stories to emerge
    I don’t pretend to have all of the answers to how best to bring mystery 
back into its rightful place.  It is clear the form we used is not comfortable 
for some.  Perhaps it will never be -- and perhaps it is important that it 
never be, at least to some degree.  I do believe that within the collective us, 
the capacity to be receptive, compassionately unattached, is essential for the 
new story to blossom.
    Open Space makes a huge amount of space for the receptive.  It also makes 
an extraordinary amount of space for action.  Where a group goes emerges out of 
its own needs.  To say that again, a little differently:  it is the energy of 
the group that most shapes the nature of the space.  By not “facilitating” the 
group in a specific direction, we trust that what best serves the collective 
intention of understanding the story field and the new story is served.  When 
the intention is complex, as in defining a novel idea like “story field”, I 
have a bias towards a process that boldly invites the emergent present, 
trusting the wisdom of the group to take it where it most needs to go.  Could 
we have provided more context?  Of course.  Would that have been our best 
service?  I don’t know.  It would have created a different gathering. Would the 
voices and feelings that are normally invisible found space to show up in 
productive ways?  I don’t know.  Would we have had a clearer, more articulated 
sense of the story field and the new story?  If we did, I fear it might have 
been more intellectual and less embodied. Trusting the group energy in open 
space, I trust that the conversations stimulated by your, David's and others' 
critiques will produce innovations that will allow us to explore these 
questions more deeply and consciously in practice, together as a community.
    I do understand that, in particular, the grief, anger, and fear expressed 
was way overboard for people who have little or no experience with it; or for 
those who feel that such expression belongs in its own special container 
specifically for that purpose.  Would I and others have had the lived 
experience of the new story that we did without all that surfacing?  I honestly 
don’t know.  There are ways in which both answers are true, and I know that 
we'll be learning more about this.
    I believe that in the new story, we have a right to be whole people – head, 
heart, body, and spirit.  And I believe we owe it to each other to learn to be 
present to the whole of us in collective settings.  In fact, I think because we 
did that, it contributed immensely to why so many people said this experience 
was life changing for them. 
    While we haven’t yet landed in the intellectual coherence of the new story 
that many of us desired (myself included), I believe we LIVED a nascent form of 
the new story.  There was space for all of us and not in the form of “let’s 
make everyone comfortable” or in the form of “you need to behave in expected 
ways”.  Quite the opposite!  We made space for people to be real together, 
where our differences were welcome disturbances from which learning and growth 
could and did happen.
    Can we get better at creating such experiences?  I sure hope so!  I am sure 
there are better ways of inviting in male/female, indigenous/western, 
straight/gay, white/color than we know right now.  We’re just getting started.
    I know now that if we can’t hear new voices, we stay stuck – as most of our 
current systems are.  No wonder people are checking out of them!  I got a much 
deeper understanding of what it is like to always need to keep what is most 
dear invisible or suffer the wrath of indifference, judgment, dismissal.  I 
also felt a new compassion for what it is like to be seen as the oppressor, the 
one holding the current form in place, even when we see ourselves as in the 
vanguard of change.
    Still, you may well ask, why bring in so much mystery at once?  Why not 
just small doses?  It may well be that for many, that’s what makes the most 
sense.  For me, I believe we’re entering into a time of increasing dissolution; 
more and more of our assumptions and our systems will be falling apart faster 
and faster.  The more of us who become more capable of being present to the 
anger, grief, fear, and confusion that will surface, the better.  What better 
way to practice than in learning more about subjects we care about with people 
we discover are kindred spirits?
    I am excited and fascinated at how engaged so many people who gathered 
still are!  Many people made deep connections with others.  The intellectual 
and practical work are underway big time.  I wonder if it is because we didn’t 
fully complete our work together?  Our wholeness has evocative holes in it!  
We’re still collectively processing the questions around which we gathered.  
Perhaps this too -- rather than being a disappointment -- is a lesson in 
keeping the mystery alive and following its enticing energy to wherever it 
leads us.
    That said, as you pointed out, chaos can be quite challenging, so how do we 
welcome it in a way that is of service to a group?  That is an art that we are 
still learning.  It is part of the dialogue that your message taps for me.  We 
do know some things about it:
      a.. We know that creating a sense of sacred space can make a tremendous 
difference (our time at the Stupa that first morning in the presence of Spirit 
and our ancestors contributed to bringing to consciousness what would make the 
space fertile and productive) 
      b.. We know that expressing dreams, desires, possibilities makes a 
difference (e.g., our wishes spoken as if we are making them happen, and 
speaking to what would blow our minds) 
      c.. We know inviting adult behavior that asks us to draw from the best of 
ourselves matters (as Mark did by offering HSL – hear, see, and love -- and as 
we did in naming the Law of Two Feet – taking responsibility for what we each 
love -- and asking people to check within themselves for what was coming 
through them for guidance rather than looking to an outside authority) 
      d.. And we believe that working with the energy present in the moment 
    Beyond that, I expect this conversation and others like it to continue, 
helping us discern how best to welcome chaos, to make room for the emergent 
while tending to whatever form of getting things done best serves.
    Have you ever seen a strange attractor coming into being?  (Strange 
attractors are beautiful mathematical images. (see,GGGL:2006-42,GGGL:en%26sa%3DN).
  They take a mathematical formula, push some numbers through, plot the output 
on a map, feed the output back through the formula, and plot again.  In other 
words, they iterate through the same formula over and over.  Initially the dots 
seem completely random.  Over time, a pattern becomes visible. 
    I see conversations in a similar light.  I find most of us live, either 
consciously or unconsciously, in a complex question or two.  For example: What 
is the nature of story?  What is the new story that wants to be born? How do we 
bring this story more fully to life?  As we answer these questions, we feed the 
responses back through and new answers emerge.  They begin to paint a picture.  
When we join with others in a shared inquiry, the picture takes on more shape.  
What starts as seemingly random, begins to come into coherent form.  It begins 
to entice us in, as we collectively call it into being and witness its new 
resonance surfacing.  This isn’t a simple story that one person can create 
alone.  And its shaping demands more than just our intellects.  It draws from 
the whole of us, head, heart, body, spirit.  It is a complex response, made of 
music, art, dance, idea.  It is a coherent, many-storied response to questions 
that we all hold dear.  And it is still unfolding.
    So I end with an idea that surfaced through Tom Atlee and me:
    We are calling into being our collective soul so that our many-storied 
world can find its way…and each and everyone one of us has our roles to play in 
    Peggy Holman
    The Open Circle Company
    15347 SE 49th Place
    Bellevue, WA  98006
    (425) 746-6274

    For the new edition of The Change Handbook, go to:

    "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get 
burnt, is to become 
    the fire".
      -- Drew Dellinger
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