Dear Jost,
great! So, now I can "activate" Iran (making it the 132nd os-country on the map) and add Iran to your list of countries in the world map. While looking through the archives of our listserve searching for Iran I found a long string where Raffi spoke of some of his ancestors coming from thats part of his interest. Interesting that you mentioned a German political Foundation as being one of the sponsors. You know but most of the members of our list probably dont that there are 5 major political Foundations not only active in Germany and Europe but all over the world and interested in supporting innovative approaches. The training I conducted in Karachi for people from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka (the Indians could not attend because of tensions which resulted in them not getting visas)was sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, associated with the Social Democratic Party in Germany. I facilitate about 8 os events on various topics around youth violence in Germany for them. My closest contact at the Foundation is now at the office of this Foundatin in Shanghai...I think they have close to 100 offices around the world...I am reporting on this at some length to encourage os-workers around the world to look at their programs and activities which are in many of the fields that many of us are engaged in.
Greetings from Berlin

PS: Jost, have a look at your updated osmap entry
and do send a picture so I can spot you next time I am in Bangkok

Jost Wagner wrote:
Dear Michael,

I have just facilitated one OST for three hours last week during an
associated meeting of the Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU) 44th General
Assembly hosted by the government of Iran. The number of participants
were only 20 people from countries as Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos,
Thailand, Iran, Nepal, Indonesia and Fiji. Topic was how to overcome
the digital divide. Most of the participants were senior managers of
the respective national broadcasting stations. The event was
sponsored by a German political Foundation and the ABU Secretariat.
The location was kind of nice although very spontaneous. We conducted
it in the teahouse area of the huge congress center of the Islamic
Republic Iranian Broadcasting (IRIB). While we the open space took
place we could enjoy some of the amazing teas.

Best regards from Thailand

J. W.

Jost H. WagnerConsultant - TrainerIAF Certified Professional

Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:18:40 +0100> From:>
Subject: open space in Iran?> To:> >
My dear friend Raffi asked me as the minder of the Open Space World
Map > whether anyone has worked with OS in Iran or knows of someone
who > has...seems somebody mentioned it on our list. As you can see
on the > World Map, Iran is "grey" which means "no os worker
residing there and > no open space having taken place there".> When
a country is shown in blue it means OS has been used there and a >
number in brackets behind the country name indicates the number of
OS > workers residing there.> Anyone?> Greetings from Berlin>
mmp--> > > > > Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg> Draisweg 1, 12209
Berlin, Germany> ++49-30-772 8000>> > > Check out the Open Space World Map
presently showing 462 resident Open > Space Workers in 75 countries
(working in a total of 131 countries > worldwide)>> > *> *>

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 462 resident Open Space Workers in 75 countries (working in a total of 132 countries worldwide)

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