
You are so wise to concentrate on the questions, rather than the
answers. Questions are really more pregnant than answers, yes?

Here are a few for you, Wendy.

Years ago I was collecting these questions for workshops I was giving. I
probably have at least 175 more of these, if you are interested.

Hope you are enjoying these questions, and planning for your birthday,
Ms Answer to Everything.

                        :- Doug.


     1. Who might you still be?
     2. Do I really want a calling? What will it cost me? What will I
        gain? Do I do all I can to find and pursue my calling, or do I
        let other things get in the way?
     3. Was there a turning point in your life?
     4. What dreams do your gifts have which still beg to be brought
     5. What are your talents, your gifts? Which ones are you not fully
     6. If you knew you were going to die on the way home, would you
        need to use the phone? Using the phone like that is your legacy.
     7. What gifts do you have which you are not fully using?
     8. Are you doing what you came here to do?  
     9. What is the most significant thing you can do with your life?
    10. What are you doing every day--today!--to build a life which
        lasts beyond you? What would you like to do?
    11. What is the most significant thing I can do with my life? Today?
    12. Who is the most significant person I can be? Today?
    13. How do you fit into the universe? Why did you come along at this
    14. What use of my inner resources would be most responsible?
    15. (As a dialogue with God) What am I about?
    16. (Said in response to a question about a problem in
        meditation/contemplation): Maybe there's a lesson in that!
    17. What is the pain of not being whole?
    18. What do you hope to do before you die?
    19. Who are you? You had a car accident 2 days ago and yesterday you
        learned you will no longer be able to do what you've done for a
        living. Who are you?
    20. How do you fit in eternity and infinity?
    21. What do you ache for, but fear to dream?
    22. The worst thing anyone could say about me is....
    23. What have you made of your life so far? If you were to die
        today, what would the people who count say of the real you? Who
        can you be in the precious time remaining?
    24. What will you not risk? Where will you not go?
    25. If you couldn't do anything you do today, would it be OK? Give
        us a for instance.
    26. Are you your thoughts?

===you are whole

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