Hi Ester,

thanks for the comments!

experienced people with me to do that! We repeated our "story" quite a few times. And it worked. Some newcomers turned around and left, and others added new topics to the wall and held discussions. But it took a lot of energy to explain the process and communicate the spirit and value of staying to discuss in OS what mattered to them. So... lots of helpers are good. And a belief in the
I think this is good advice, and we'll have to repeat the story a couple of times because this is a "startup" situation and (in particular academics) are rarely on time.

So if I were you, I would try to concentrate the speakers during the first part of the conference, and finish with OS, if possible. I've seen a lot on this list that if speakers have to speak, then it is best to have OS as a conclusion to the event. That being said, I don't have that much experience. And certainly none in a research conference. As for people not knowing about OS, the invitation (or summary in the program) will intrigue them. And once there, they will "get it" as Harrison always says :-)
I think I'm looking at a situation where we can have one full-energy day (Monday) and then three days where we use the afternoon to talk about stuff inspired by morning talks/sessions. So it might even feel like to separate (types of) open space events at the same conference. I wonder...


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