Dear os workers worldwide!
Looking through the WOSonOS archives I just realized that our worldwide event has been roaming all over the place since it left the North American Continent in 2000 to convene in Berlin/Germany ....and that in fact it has not been in the US for 8 years in a row: Berlin/Germany (2000), Vancouver/Canada (2001), Marysville/Australia (2002), Denmark (2003), Goa/India (2004), Halifax/Canada (2005), Moscow/Russia (2006) and Kyiv/Ukraine (2007). Lisa, what does this mean for the WOSonOS in San Francisco (that is a place in the USA!!!)?
Will USAmericans even remember what OSonOS is all about?
Or will there be only folks from Australia, India, Europe, Eastern Europe, Canada...??
Wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a grand start into the New Year!
Greetings from Berlin

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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