Call for Chapters and Reviewers - Working with Difficult Groups

You are invited to submit a proposal for a chapter in the forthcoming book:

The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups:
How They Are Difficult, Why They Are Difficult, What You Can Do.

This will be the third in the series of handbooks published by Jossey-Bass/ Wiley and the International Association of Facilitators, Sandor P. Schuman, Editor. Chapter proposals are due March 15, 2008.

Groups enable us to accomplish goals unattainable by individuals working alone. Groups can be extremely effective, and also they can be difficult to work with. By examining groups and their difficulties we can better understand (1) how they are difficult (the observable phenomena that present the difficulty) and (2) why they are difficult (the underlying causes of the difficulty). Building on that understanding, we can suggest (3) what we can do as group facilitators, leaders, and members to help the group work more effectively.

For the complete Call for Chapters and Reviewers, Chapter Proposal Form, Chapter 1, and related information, visit

Sandor Schuman

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