Hello Park,
thank you for sharing your thoughts, I enjoy that twist very much. 
I will try it out as my motto of the day, today. I will also try it out in my 
next OST facilitation.
Just recently I read something from Otto Scharmer called Theory U ~ there he 
mentions different ways of listening (see below).
Seems to me that your way to introduce the “Be prepared…” invites for Listening 
4, creating the kind of conversation that I personally enjoy most. Listening in 
this way I find myself and others saying something we have not thought or said 
before ~ entering a new dimension.
By the way I hope for these kinds of conversation at OSonOS in San Francisco! I 
intend to be back after two years of absence J
>From a sunny morning in Bielefeld, Germany,
Slowing Down to Understand
At its core, leadership is about shaping and shifting how individuals and 
groups attend
to and subsequently respond to a situation. The trouble is that most leaders 
are unable to
recognize, let alone change, the structural habits of attention used in their 
Learning to recognize the habits of attention in any particular business 
culture requires, among
other things, a particular kind of listening. Over more than a decade of 
observing people’s
interactions in organizations, I have noted four different types of listening.
Listening 1: Downloading
“Yeah, I know that already.” I call this type of listening 
“downloading”—listening by
reconfirming habitual judgments. When you are in a situation where everything
that happens confirms what you already know, you are listening by downloading.

Listening 2: Factual
“Ooh, look at that!” This type of listening is factual or object-focused: 
listening by
paying attention to facts and to novel or disconfirming data. You switch off 
inner voice of judgment and listen to the voices right in front of you. You 
focus on
what differs from what you already know. Factual listening is the basic mode of
good science. You let the data talk to you. You ask questions, and you pay 
attention to the responses you get.

Listening 3: Empatic
“Oh, yes, I know exactly how you feel.” This deeper level of listening is 
listening. When we are engaged in real dialogue and paying careful attention,
we can become aware of a profound shift in the place from which our listening
originates. We move from staring at the objective world of things, figures, and
facts (the “it-world”) to listening to the story of a living and evolving self 
“you-world”). Sometimes, when we say “I know how you feel,” our emphasis is on
a kind of mental or abstract knowing. But to really feel how another feels, we 
to have an open heart. Only an open heart gives us the empathic capacity to 
directly with another person from within. When that happens, we feel a profound
switch as we enter a new territory in the relationship; we forget about our own
agenda and begin to see how the world appears through someone else’s eyes.

Listening 4: Generative
“I can’t express what I experience in words. My whole being has slowed
down. I feel more quiet and present and more my real self. I am connected
to something larger than myself.” This type of listening moves beyond the
current field and connects us to an even deeper realm of emergence. I call this
level of listening “generative listening,” or listening from the emerging field 
future possibility. This level of listening requires us to access not only our 
heart, but also our open will—our capacity to connect to the highest future
possibility that can emerge. We no longer look for something outside. We no 
empathize with someone in front of us. We are in an altered state. “Communion”
or “grace” is maybe the word that comes closest to the texture of this 
Source: Otto Scharmer, Executive Summary: Theorie U
Further information: www.theoryU.com 
Are you doing what you truly desire?

Holistic Facilitation ~ Ganzheitliche Begleitung
PSYCH-K®, PER-K®, Genuine Contact™, Open Space
Rolandstr. 12 • 33615 Bielefeld • Germany
tel:  +49 - 521 – 521 76 43 • mob: +49 - 171 - 810 71 61
i...@mareikiele.de • www.mareikiele.de
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu 
[mailto:owner-osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] Im Auftrag von Stanley Park
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Februar 2008 19:05
An: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Betreff: Re: Be prepared to be surprised?

My understanding is that any genuine transformation can take place only when it 
comes from  deeps of one's being.

In that context, I think I was trying to turn "Be Prepared to Be Surprised!" 
into "Be Prepared to Surprise Yourself!"

This turns me from "a passive waiting" mode to "passionate, yet responsible 
waiting" mode both from the view point of practitioner and participants.

Actually I found myself being surprised by observing both those who seemed 
genuinely excited (surprised) and not: I learn from both instances and assume 
that participants will do the same. Surprise may come from both the unknown 
(anyone or the mystery) and myself.

Being a novice user of the technology, I may try this as one of para-phrases of 
the original.

In a quiet solitude of late night in Seoul,



douglas germann 쓴 글: 
Can you say a little more, please? It sounds inviting and delicious!
>>From snowy South Bend.
                             :- Doug.
On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 03:21 -0700, Stanley Park wrote:
In the begining of propagating Open Space (Technology), there were some
worries among us that people might not be surprised. Yes. Some were suprised
and some not. :-)
I used to say "I follow the OS text."
Now, it has dawned on me that I can say "It also indicates that you migyht
be the only one to surprise yourself and everyone else." Then, it may
contribute to turning the phrase into "The Law of Two Feet," which turns
expectation coming from 'without 'into 'within.' The net effect of this
seems as obvious as the powerful as 'The Law ~,' carrrying a slight nuance
of paradox. Has anyone tried this context?
>From Wintry Seoul,
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