Maya -- After I sent off my previous response, it occurred to me that you
and others might conclude that I have exaggerated a bit. After all I have
been accused of being a story teller -- to which I can only respond: Guilty
as charged. And so to mitigate the severity of my offence I thought to share
the review comments of a long time colleague, Dr. Rodney Plimpton, on my
book "Wave Rider." 

"This is a simply wonderful, wise book.  It shows us why almost everything
we think we know about planning, organizing, directing, and controlling is
wrong…and what we need to do instead.   If you have followed any part of
Harrison Owen’s journey over the past 40 years you will delight in this
culmination of his work.  And if you have missed the journey, you need to
discover it now.  Required reading for anyone who cares about leadership,
organizations, and high performance." Rodney Plimpton, Ph.D.; former SVP,
Human Resources, American Electric Power Co., Columbus, Ohio.

Getting past the kind words in the opening, we come to the substance: "It
shows us why almost everything we think we know about planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling is wrong…and what we need to do instead."

Rod is not prone to hyperbole or new age fads. His PhD is in Management from
Stanford, and he retired as Senior VP for Human Resources. American Electric
Power is one of the largest power companies in the US, which would make it
one of the largest in the world. Pretty conservative I would say.

So I say again -- Take Care! This Open Space stuff could get you into a lot
of trouble. But I guarantee it will be both exciting and fun.



Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20854
Phone 301-365-2093
Skype hhowen
Open Space Training 
Open Space Institute
Personal website 
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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Maya Negev
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:57 AM
Subject: Academic articles on OST

Dear OST community,

I am a PhD student in Israel. while looking for a participatory method to
research "multicultural approaches to environmental education", i reached
Tova Averbuch, the leading OST consultant in Israel.

OST seems to be the method I was looking for, thanks to it being fully
participatory, and thanks to it enabling people from very diverse
backgrounds to voice their priorities and concerns.

As I am writing a research proposal, I am searching for academic articles
and book chapters on OST, both about using and researching the method. so
far I found very few such resources, and therefore I am writing to you:
should any of you be aware of academic resources on OST, I will be very
grateful if you bring them to my attention.

All the very best, and thank you very much,


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