Right, Esther M., I know you will have a great time at the NY Stammtisch...its space and time for just about anything to happen, even a discussion on OS 2.f or the best recipes for dips for fingerfood for Open Space buffets, classical, 2.f style or whatever
Greetings from Berlin

Communications Esther Matte wrote:
Hi Susan,

Thanks for the welcome. "Stammtisch" is the german word for that table in a restaurant or pub where the regulars sit at for a beer or something after work or at night. In rural Germany, there is always (or was when I lived there 15 years ago) a table marked "stammtisch", pretty much reserved for these regulars. So they know that when they come, they'll meet other regulars and have a place to sit and talk. And as in OS, whoever comes... whenever.. Right Michael?

Here's a copy/paste of an explanation of OS Stammtisch Michael provided a few months back :

"A stammtisch is a regular gathering at a regular time (like every Tuesday evening, or once a month or, as is the case with the os stammtische around the planet, every Monday of every odd month at 7pm)where people interested in a particular aspect of life, as for instance open space, gather for beer (other drinks are perfectly ok) and food as everyone wishes and talk with each other about whatever is on top of your mind regarding open space (in a broader sense). People come and go as they find useful, some arrive at 7 pm (I usually even earlier to secure a table and talk to the people in the pub), some as late as 11 pm and it will usually last until well past midnight. No agenda, lots of energy. Last stammtisch in Berlin several people came because they needed work (in os, of course), well, they in fact found others that were looking for help. So its networking, creating collaboration, new ideas are born, people bring stuff for each other to look at (pictures, a couple of books of proceedings from recent open spaces, a bottle of brandy from Kyiv, there are always a couple of laptops to show things to each other and to write an email to another stammtisch lets say in Kyiv or Budapest..). Often, there are also visitors from other countries passing through Berlin that are real open space stammtisch addicts, they have heard of the Berlin one and join. So its international, too."

Here in Montreal, we usually gather around 6 pm,have a beer, dinner, talk, and people leave around 8:30 or 9:00.

Maybe we will meet at a future NY stammtisch :-)

Esther M.

At 12:16 2008-05-13, you wrote:
Hello NYC OSers, many of whom I know and waive to fondly, and greetings to you too Esther. We look forward to your arrival. What the heck is a stammtisch anyway?


Susan W. Coleman

Coleman Raider International
 --Negotiation & Conflict Resolution, Coaching,
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    Susan W. Coleman, J.D., M.P.A.
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On May 13, 2008, at 12:06 AM, Scott Gassman wrote:


Thank you for feeding the idea of a NYC stammtisch
and providing what it takes..
The idea appears to be taking on a life of it's own and
I will think about what you have shared.

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Michael M Pannwitz <<mailto:mmpa...@boscop.org>mmpa...@boscop.org> wrote:
Dear Scott,
I love the os stammtisch in Berlin and everywhere.
Here some pointers from a stammtisch-pro:

1. The stammtisch is first of all, for you yourself, yes

2. So, pick your favorite place (restaurant, Bar, whatever) where you like the food and drinks and invite everyone (you might try the first Monday evening of every odd month)and go there. If nobody comes, you had a great time at your favorite haunt and some unobstructed time for you

3. But, alas, people will show up because they like the idea of meeting you, talking (maybe) about open space and coming to an event that has only a starting time

4. Talk to the owner (of course, you know him well) and advise him that you are coming and that there may be some more people, he will like that

5. Send an email about a week before the stammtisch inviting people to join ... this mail should go to the list so that people passing through NY will drop in and, it should go to all New Yorkers (if all of you guys in New York include yourself in the worldmap, it will be a breeze for Scott to invite you (By the way, at this point, 51 of the thousands of osworkers in the USA have included themselves in the worldmap, that makes for an average of one per State, a grand start! %1 is exactly the number of people listed for Berlin...about 20 to 40 % of them show up at the stammtisch.
(Here is the link for including yourself

If you go to the homepage of the map

and click on Menu and then search and enter New York you will see 3 colleagues listed)

6. Send out a note to the list after the stammtisch and report the great stuff that happened there

Have a grand time with your stammtisch which is the most localized OSonOS in your neighborhood...especially when you cant go to the regional, national or evern worldwide events.

Greetings from Berlin

Scott Gassman wrote:
Possibly with Esther's NY arrival, we could try again to  initiate a

A thought for interested NY OS folks.

Who else would be interested here in the NY area?

Scott Gassman

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Laurence Berg <<mailto:laurenceb...@gmail.com>laurenceb...@gmail.com>

Hi Esther,

I'm one of the NYers who's in the OS world. (I know someone at the
Canadian mission, too.)  Feel free to get in touch.

By the way, I once tried to initiate a stammtische with some others and it
didn't get off the ground here.  NY is an odd place.


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