...and if you are just about to rise from your space in the circle to post
your registration, we´ll just leave the space open for a few more minutes...


We have many wonderful people coming, from at least seven countries, to join
us for our Learnshop with Birgitt and Ward Williams June 23-29th on the
island of Tjörn on the West-coast of Sweden. Still we can squeeze a few more
in – but we would love to have your registration as soon as possible.


And if you cannot come and wonder what you’ll miss – you might have read
some of the experiences from April in Canada. On top of that here are some
pictures of the surroundings on and around Tjörn:


So as this is irresistible I guess I’ll see you in June. 


And just in case there is someone who hasn’t got the full invitation. It is
still posted on www.gcgroup.se <http://www.gcgroup.se/>  

Warm regards

Thomas Herrmann Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
Open Space Consulting Fax +46 (0)300-713 89
Pensévägen 4
434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Email:  <mailto:tho...@openspaceconsulting.com>
osoft\Signaturer\www.openspaceconsulting.com> www.openspaceconsulting.com
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