Hello all,

I thought I would sneak a message out into the Open Space World to let those
of you that are friends of Chris know that he is turning 40 on Friday June
13th.  I know that so many of you mean so much to Chris in his work and in
his life, and that the "list" is like a home base for him - even when he is
travelling lots like this year - the OS community, and this list, are in his
mind and heart.  With friends so far and wide - it didn't seem workable to
have a surprise party for him, so thought I would at least seed a virtual
surprise and let you all know in case you want to touch in with him on

Thanks to all of you who enrich his life so much.  And hope to see you at
OsOnOs in July.

(Chris's partner...)

The gentlest thing in the world is an open mind. Since it doesn't believe
what it thinks, it is flexible, porous, without opposition, without defense.
Nothing has power over it. Nothing can resist it. Even the hardest thing in
the world - a closed mind - can't resist the power of openness. Ultimately
the truth flows into it and through it, like water through rock.
Byron Katie.

Facilitation, Coaching, Project Management,
Principal - Harvest Moon Consultants Ltd.

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