Dear colleagues,

Perhaps this upcoming Community Weaving learning workshop might be of
interest to OSlisters. 

Some OSlisters have taken it. I found a lot of value in this approach.

CW has been described as community-scale OS and have been featured in the
Change Handbook.

Please consider passing on this info...

appreciatively (and until the WOSonOS),

Certification Training
July 9-10, 2008
Whidbey Institute
6449 Old Pietila Rd. 
Clinton, WA 98236
Community Weaving is a sustainable grass roots community mobilization
approach that increases community capacity and social capital by creating
fail safe environments that foster innovation to creatively solve problems,
spawn new opportunities, and restore the spirit of community to create a
more caring, just and civil society . Community Weaving is a proven
community building approach that pools knowledge and resources of the
people, and sparks initiatives that shift the culture of community within
systems. Certified Community Weavers recruit Good Neighbors who start-up
Family Support Networks in companies, schools, churches, neighborhoods, and
organizations. Community Weavers are given the tools, techniques and
technology to train volunteers as Family Advocates/Liaisons within
organizations. You will gain insight into service learning and
transformative community building theories and practices and learn practical
applications of ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development) and Family Support
principles that underpin the FSN methodology. Join with others from around
the world to customize organizational development strategies and open space
to harness the creative capacity of community members to spark community
spirit.  You'll be amazed at how easy it is to engage, train and mobilize a
social support system that serves as a grassroots safety net for families,
fosters social capital to improve the health and resiliency of the whole
community from the inside out.
Cheryl Honey, CEO, Excel Strategies, Inc. and Founder, Family Support
Network, International
Cheryl Honey is the pioneer of Community Weaving practices and contributing
author to The Change Handbook (2nd Ed).  She founded the Family Support
Network, International (FSNI), a non-profit organization, in 1993 and has
trained and certified over 400 Community Weavers and Family Advocates who
are respected leaders and change agents in their communities. Cheryl
graduated from Antioch University Seattle with B.A. in Liberal Arts. She
received the Washington State overall Jefferson Award in 2007, the
mini-Nobel Prize for public service, Daily Points of Light Award, Giraffe
Award for sticking her neck out in 1996 and was presented with the
Ambassador of Peace and Excellence in Leadership Awards from the
International and Interreligious Federation for World Peace. The ABCD
Institute and Institute for Civil Society have recognized the Family Support
Network model as an exemplary approach to capacity building. Cheryl is a
writer and lecturer and resides with her family in Bothell, Washington.
Steve Mason,  Organizational Instructor, Messaging Consultant and
Motivational Singer
Steve is a certified Community Weaver and gifted trainer. He has a unique
and very accessible perspective and delivery style when it comes to putting
the pieces together in our world that add up to community. He promotes
causes such as Art with Heart, the Heart and Soul Foundation and Family
Support Network, International. Steve is an award-winning singer/songwriter
who uses humor and heartfelt messages to inspire people into action. He's
been a successful training executive, musician, husband and father for over
20 years. 

Registration Fee: 
(Includes training, materials, certification, lodging & meals) 
Scholarships available
Email with your scholarship request
(No one will be turned away due to financial constraints!)
Additional nights lodging in a beautiful retreat setting
Single Rate: $65

For more information: 
Family Support Network
Community Weaving 
"The more resourceful we are among ourselves, the more valuable a resource
we become to our families, our communities and our world." 
Register early to guarantee your space and pass the word along to your
colleagues and friends. If you'd prefer to start Community Weaving in your
community by hosting a training, email and
we'll send you all the details and waive registration fees for two attendees. 

New Web-Based Technology! 
FSN volunteer, Max Stalnaker, developed a web-based technology to enable
individuals and groups to share resources, establish Group ID's, locate
resources, organize activities, spearhead initiatives and publish resource
directories. To tour FSN website go to: This
technology is free has flexible applications for connecting members of
groups, associations, neighborhoods, churches, and schools together. 

What is the Whidbey Institute at Chinook?
In a time of great peril and great promise, the Whidbey Institute is a place
of deep inquiry and inspiration dedicated to the transformation of heart,
mind, and culture that is now needed for the creation of a more sustainable,
just, and fruitful future for all.
We are committed to the emergence of a new and right relationship between
the natural and social world through the development of vital communities
and the formation of courageous, creative, and competent leadership on
behalf of the whole earth community. 

People from all around the world have expressed interest in starting
Community Weaving. To reduce consumption and costs, we are looking for
organizations who will host Community Weaving trainings and retreats. For
more information, call 206.240.2241 or email  

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