Reinhard – Well Done! You did it!! As for the Four Principles, I see the
words and they seem to make sense – so I guess that is all to the good. And
I always find it useful to remember that the Principles are not instructions
to the people as to what they “should” do – but rather a simple statement of
what is going to happen regardless of their (the peoples’) intent. The fact
that the Principles may seem odd, counterintuitive, wrong, even
revolutionary -- doesn’t change anything. And changing the wording isn’t
going to change the result, so far as I can see. People will be people, so
to speak. 


I feel sorry for the Board member, and when it comes to resolution, I would
be thinking about a new board member. He obviously didn’t “get it.” I don’t
mean he didn’t understand Open Space. That is obviously true, but it is also
a very small part of the problem. What he really missed was the passion,
intensity, thinking and purpose of the people. The long term outcome from
such situations is quite predicable. To the extent that he manages to work
his will all that good energy and high expectations will be crushed. At that
point the really good people will leave, and the remainder will come to look
more like robots than intelligent human beings. The impact on organizational
function and creativity is obvious – as I said, I would be thinking ab out a
new Board Member. 


In terms of the future of that business organization, such a prognosis is
not a happy one. Sort of like getting a terminal disease before you even
really get started. For the people, however, it may not be all bad. Given
sufficient cognitive dissonance they may come to recognize the real
situation and then set about to create something more whole and healthy for
themselves. That has happened before, and could happen here.




Harrison Owen

189 Beaucaire Ave

Camden, ME 04843

207-763-3261 (Summer)

301-365-2093 (Winter)


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From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Reinhard
Kuchenm ü ller
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: was: urgent


Dear friends in open space,

We made it!  we had an open space session with eighty coworkers of a big
company, and i facilitated my first open space! And i think that would not
have been possible without your help! So i want to thank you for your
contributions, Kerry, Jon, Carla, Harrison, Gerard and Esther. You were
really very helpful. The most i got from Gerards proposal of a paradoxical
approach, and that is what we did. We proposed two other methods, kind of
modified world cafè, and finally the young and curious hr-manager asked: and
if we did an open space in pure form? He invited two colleagues from the
middle management, and after some hesitation both spoke in favor of o s, so
we got it.

Only we had to accept an introduction of a board member who also wanted to
close the session. And they definitely did not want the principles in their
normal form, because they did not tell them anything. So i undertook the
work of redefining them – and am curious what you think of that. The theme
of the o s we defined: “At the starting point of the new company: what are
we proud of? Where are potentials and chances? What do we want to start

The first principle is: here  the right people come together! The second
principle is: here happens what is possible right now! The third principle
is: We simply start! The fourth principle is: and then one has to be able to
stop ! ....  ...whenever a theme is finished for someone,  open space offers
a very special solution. It is so important, that it is formulated as a law
– the law of two feet! .....(the German text was a bit more convincing i

For my preparation i found the texts of Michael Pannwitz and Matthias zur
Bonsen very helpful, including the lists of items you need, although i had
to work a while until i could formulate my own introduction. I really had to
dive into the essence of o s, what an experience!

And then of course we accompanied the o s with our visualization, what for
some of you is not the pure thing, but for me again was such a  convincing
way of saving the essence of the group work, much more than the written
texts could do.  Three woman draw images, one hundred and eighty images,
while i was busy holding the space , me this time without drawing. And
watching, how these eighty people  spontaneously analyzed their company
within one day, and developed splendid proposals how to proceed. They were
really great. Accordingly also the final round was strong. About half of the
people spoke. And what they said again and again were three things: 

“i have been very cautious and hesitating before, but now i am totally
convinced of open space. Couldn’t we do it more often? 

And: the visualization is simply great! Can we get the images? All of them?

And: How will the upcoming conference of 150 managers deal with our
proposals? Will they understand them, and accept them? “        

 Only too soon we had to see, that their worst expectations came true. 

Because then the board member came back and spoke – he did not mention the
theme of the open space, he did not honor the group work, he only said: now
we must trimm the results, so that they fit with our four value definitions,
and that will not be easy!  

Many of the coworkers were shocked, and up to today, four days later, i have
no idea how to proceed. We cancelled the very creative concept of our next
workshop immediately, because we have to avoid, that also these people run
against a wall if they are creative and use their fantasy. We hope to find a
way to help this company, i am already dreaming of it.

So thanks friends, that you helped us to bring this o s together, and if
there is some development to tell about, i will comeback to you!



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