Dear Marc,

I have a short french video which was done a few years ago at the Crédit 
Agricole.Unfortunately it cannot be seen on the web. I can send it by post if 
you want.
Best regards.
Philippe Slioussarenko

Management of Human Goals Europe
8, rue de berri
75008 Paris

E Mail:
Mobile: + 33 6 08 43 09 05

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marc Steinlin (I-P-K) 
  Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 1:33 AM
  Subject: Short intro video to OS in French?

  Dear all, maybe you can help me:

  I will have a group of Francophone West Africans that I would like to 
introduce to OpenSpace.
  Explaining is one thing, but "showing" is another thing. Obviously having one 
would be the best, but in this particular situation that's not possible. 
Therefore I would like them to show a short movie - maybe 5-10 minutes?
  Do you know of any movie (eg. on YouTube) that gives some impressions? It 
does not need to be an elaborate thing, just a few images to show how it works. 
Otherwise I will use some photos and comment myself.

  Thanks for any hints!

  Marc Steinlin
  Skype: marcsteinlin

  PO Box 27494
  Rhine Road
  Sea Point
  8050 Cape Town
  Republic of South Africa
  Mobile: +27 (76) 222 81 12

  Zweierstrasse 50
  CH-8004 Zürich
  Mobile: +41 (78) 850 42 32

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