also, I am still responding to Raffi, I recall that a few years ago, Raffi,
we funded your participation in WOSonOS at Goa. If we were to do as you
suggest and give away our income source (the 5CD's) we would no longer be
able to do things like that.

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Tree Fitzpatrick <> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Raffi Aftandelian <> wrote:
>> Chers Chris and Allison,
>> Thanks for the appreciation, cher Chris.
>> And indeed, if OS Institute-USA (which runs the online OS bookstore and
>> owns, if I remember correctly, the rights to the 5 CD collection) were
>> ever
>> a candidate for "regime change" and I were appointed Benevolent Dictator
>> of
>> the Institute for a day, my first (and only?) act would be to make the
>> disks
>> freely available online. Perhaps rename the series "A Story of Spirit: a
>> long-[expletive deleted by server] - if entertaining and
>> probably informative bedtime story of where we've been, where we are, and
>> where we're headed, as told by the Guy in the Hat."
> You are welcome to join the board of OSI/USA, Raffi. We are an open space
> organization and whoever shows up are the right people.
>> My guess is that it'd be available to more people that way than it being
>> sold through the online bookstore.
>> On a related note, Harrison, is your university dissertation available
>> anywhere?
>> >Hi Raffi,
>> >The mercy is, that, Open Space being Open Space, you need not usually
>> >stay somewhere if you are having a hard time listening etc.
>> >Instead, you can use a Clause of The Law of Two Feet, one of which
>> >could be called - The Hum of Two Drums (eardrums, of course).
>> One of the learning points for some people in the OST learning workshop on
>> the eve of the OSonOS was that the Hum of Two Drums does *not* necessarily
>> mean "If you're bored, then go to another group." It isn't, "if you don't
>> like it, leave!"
>> And indeed, not being able to appreciate Harrison at that moment could
>> have
>> been any number of things. No doubt, I see *lots* of value in hearing the
>> same story over and over again. And I think it's wonderful that the talk
>> is
>> now available online. Another resource is available!
>> Personally, I am looking forward to reading Wave Rider, it'll be worth it
>> to
>> hear the Story told again. And I don't expect to hear anything new.
>> >I guess there are lots more aspects to The Law of Two Feet in the
>> >ethers.
>> >Do you use any?
>> One aspect of my understanding of the Plod of One Bod, especially in group
>> situations, is to seek out the people who I think are driving me
>> absolutely
>> crazy, who I can't stand. Much of the time I learn a lot from them. At
>> least
>> one of them has become a good friend and colleague! Perhaps another
>> (deeper?) level is to seek out those who haven't really caught my
>> attention
>> at all. Might they reflect the "unknown unknowns" within me? The Field of
>> One Flirt? A recognition that everything is flirting? Don't know.
>> As a matter of practice, though, I try to notice when I'm bored, angry, or
>> experience anything unpleasant and try to be as attentive as possible in
>> those moments. And I try to stay put for just a wee bit longer than I
>> originally intended, again to stretch myself.
> I am aware that I am bored, angry and resentful of your uninformed,
> backhanded criticism of the OSI/USA. I resent your derisive tone as you call
> for 'regime change' at OSI/USA.
> And I feel like explaining to you how OSI/USA gets money and how we use
> it.  We report our income and how we use it on this list when we post
> letters about what we are doing.  Also, we held a membership meeting at
> WOSonOS 08 and at that session we talked a lot about our finances. When the
> book of proceedings is available, Raffi, you can read the session notes.
> Here is how we get money:
> We earn a few thousand dollars each year from book sales and CD sales.
> We receive a few thousand dollars in membership fees.  We have no set fee.
> People pay what they wish and in actual practice, very few people pay
> anything at all.  Maybe twenty people pay us any dues.
> Here is what we did with our money for the past year:
> We funded the first french-language OSonOS in Canada. Our money made
> participation possible for people who otherwise would not have attended.
> We funded an OS training in Haiti, making it possible for 20 people to
> attend who otherwise would not have attended.
> We funded two people's airfares to attended WOSonOS 08, one from the
> Phillippines and one from Russia.
> If we were to do as you recklessly suggest with your derisive,
> passive-aggressive suggestion of regime-change, Raffi, it is possible that a
> very few more people would have access to the 5-Cd collection. . . but about
> 25 people would be deprived of an opportunity to participate in an OS
> event.  Choices. Choices.  Choices.
> I have yet to find an organization that can, um, DO anything in this world
> by giving everything away.  If you have any suggestions for how the OSI/USA
> institute can generate income to use for holding space for open space,
> please make your constructive suggestions.
> But, man, your recklessly, disrespectful call for regime change pisses me
> off and I feel like telling you.
>> And thank you for the reminder about Mindell's "flirts."
>> >Soon I'm off to my garden committee meeting on a rather pleasant
>> >cloudy and breezy morning.
>> A hearty greeting to the gardening committee!
>> wormly and in pre-(s)election discordian delight (or "who-roo" as it
>> were),
>> raffi
>> *
>> *
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> --
> Love rays,
> Tree Fitzpatrick
> . . . the great and incalculable grace of love, which says, with Augustine,
> "I want you to be," without being able to give any particular reason for
> such supreme and unsurpassable affirmation. -- Hannah Arendt
> 1335 Montecito Ave Apt. 35
> Mountain View, California 94043
> (650) 967-9260

Love rays,
Tree Fitzpatrick

. . . the great and incalculable grace of love, which says, with Augustine,
"I want you to be," without being able to give any particular reason for
such supreme and unsurpassable affirmation. -- Hannah Arendt

1335 Montecito Ave Apt. 35
Mountain View, California 94043
(650) 967-9260

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