Dear Wendy,
there you go!
There is an IPPNW office in Berlin, is the IPP Foundation related? Got a
They conducted a conference on "The culture of Peace" a few weeks
ago...I sent a personal letter to all "impulse" people (a pretty
impressive crowd) including either the German version or the original
"Practice of Peace" book by ho. Could not attend myself but did receive
half a dozen personal letters back thanking for the book, etc.
Irmi Grünsteidel and I have been looking out for opportunities to supply
 PoP to the peace movement...and its simply overwhelming how much grass
roots stuff is going on in Berlin and Germany (in November there is the
traditional "Friedensdekade", ten days of gatherings, demonstrations,
workshops, etc.´with thousands of organisations participating).
Searching the worldscape

where some 35 of us have deposited a total of 475 events with
"peace/human rights" in the field "NGO" 15 events pop up under that
category, about 3 percent of the ost is not being used very
extensively for the peace issue in this small (475) sample.

What is possible, for those in this list that want to get on the
"bandwaggon" is to not only announce events here on the list but also to
list them in the worldscape (you are invited to start with it, and also
to list other events you have facilitated or plan to facilitate).

The world map itself simply lists countries and facilitators in those
countries that have included themselves in the map. It is not laid out
for particular passions or content but simply to show the spread of os
and who is involved with it. Of course, everyone listed there can post
websites that lead to os events that deal with war/peace and
hunger/thriving for all.

I really like the down-to-earth, do it in my neighborhood approach of
your initiative with a clear focus on what we can do locally.

Greetings from Berlin

Wendy Farmer-O'Neil wrote:
Hello Everyone!

I will be facilitating and co-sponsoring an Open Space Event on December 13th at Vancouver Island University on the theme: Addressing Global War and Hunger: Local Issues and Opportunities for supporting Peace and Thriving for All. The event is co-sponsored with the IPP Foundation--a small local foundation founded by health educators and professionals. They built, staff and supply a medical clinic in the Guate Highlands of Guatemala.

Attendance at the event will be by donation. Brown bag your lunch. Local businesses will supply coffee, tea, water, fruit and nuts. Local alternative media will sponsor advertising. A minimum of 50% of the proceeds will be donated to IPP Foundation. These funds will be used to support a Guate peasant farming family to offset the costs of expensive hip dysplasia surgery for their daughter.

During the season of "Peace on Earth" those who have passion and are willing to take some responsibility for acting to support peace and thriving for all will gather for a day of deep conversation, discernment, and action planning. If you are in green commuting distance, please join us (email me for more details). If you are carbon-prohibited from joining us in person, please join us in spirit and take up the challenge below:

First, thank you Funda for asking the question initially. Second, thank you Ralph for the initial challenge. And all of us on this list I issue a challenge: Join me in making Ralph eat pixels...and more importantly let's really show what we can do as a community. I challenge all of you to match me. Find a venue, find a sponsor, grab the theme as it makes sense to your an event, get action happening, engage your community. And share it back here...and on the World Map. MIchael P., if we all get on this band wagon, will you help us by creating a special way of marking these events on the map? I am dreaming of seeing hundreds of little events all over the globe in December. I don't care if it's only for your family! Open some space for this question! Any space! Let's document # of events, # of people attending, $ raised for charities, actions initiated, reports generated. Let's demonstrate to ourselves and the world what OS can do if it really puts its two feet where its PR is.

Love and energy to you all,

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