Good morning from an America where I, at least, feel like I can breathe with relief...

Also this morning comes news of the death of Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy. She was 70 and apparently died of a heart attack.

In 1983, I attended the first Organization Transformation Symposium in New Hampshire (USA), organized by Harrison and a batch of deliciously crazy co-conspirators (people who breathe together) known as The Washington Group. The hope, vision, and sense of possibility expressed in Ferguson's book combined as organizing vision and principles for many of us gathered there. We talked about it a lot. We longed to be people who could help bring this "new age" about. We sought to live up to its ideals. One man even wore a small pendant on a chain around his neck that represented in silver the symbol for connection, unity, diversity in oneness that graced the book's cover. We were in love with the idea of possibility Ferguson described as much as with the possibility itself. Those were heady, dreamy days. I know some of you were there, too. The conference was a turning point in my life.

On some universal plane, I believe Marilyn Fergsuon's thinking and writing somehow pre-saged open space and the realm of possibilities open space always allows. And thanks to Harrison and his brilliant martini-fueled concoctions, we have all become part of one grand conspiracy – which is what self-organization and wave riding may be all about. No?

Good-bye, Marilyn, and thank you.  Hellooo-ooo open space....

Ralph Copleman
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