
This is fun!

Could you please tell us where we can find the specific quote you have
from the Dalai Lama?

Thanks, Patricia!

                        :- Doug.

PS: Please tell us more about Level Green.

                        :- Doug.

On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 09:14 -0800, Patricia Haines wrote:
> An idea surfaced following Barbara Ehrenreich's talk at last weekend'
> Green Festival in Washington DC, in line with her wonderful (but
> under-recogtnized) book DANCING IN THE STREETS, A HISTORY OF
> What would it be like if communities all over the US - perhaps all
> over the globe - held their own Inaugural Balls in solidary with
> Obama's January 20th in DC? - joining together to celebrate -
> inaugurate - the new era we're ALL committed to make happen?
> Here in Ithaca just since the weekend a coalition of local groups has
> joined forces to begin planning an open, free community festival
> combining Martin Luther King Day with the Inauguration. Dancing in the
> streets in January is iffy at best in upstate New York but ... 
> The Dalai Lama endorses the need for all of us to find new ways of
> coming together, recommending that integral to world peace is "more
> parties..."
> OPENING NEW SPACES for voices to be heard seems essential for
> realizing this vision - thank you all for your continuing inspiration.
> LEVEL GREEN - fostering sustainable community through collaborative
> initiatives in hospitality, education and the arts, in the 150
> year-old democratic spirit of the Danish Folk School. 1519 Slaterville
> Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 339-9472
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