Greetings Thomas and Agneta:

You might try using some appreciative questions to get started. You could
give people a choice about which of the four topics they want to discuss and
you put them into pairs to interview each other. Then those pairs share that
with another 2 pairs and then they work in the group of 6 from question 3


1.       Tell about a time when you saw [put the topic here - for example,
self-organization and leadership at work], either something you tried and it
worked well or something that someone else did with great success. What was
happening? Why did it work? What was it that touched you?

2.       In your own circumstances, how do you apply the principles that you
saw at work? What are your own best strategies?

3.       If your organization was displaying these principles, what would it
look like? [You have a group of six and you ask them to draw a picture on a
flip chart of what it would look like]

4.       Using their picture, they create positive statements that creates a
vision of their picture such as, "We are the organization that."

5.       Then they create personal action plans based on what they have
learned about the process.


Thomas, this is basically an appreciative inquiry approach.


Good luck with this.




From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:20 AM
Subject: [OSLIST] Questions about selforganization SWEDISH WORKSHOP NOV 28TH
Importance: High


- Forwarded message from my collegue Agneta Falk (and me;-)) -

Hi listmembers,

We are having a day in Sweden at the end of November on Selforganization and
Open Space. Unfortunately, Harrison is unable to make it here, so we will
carry it out among ourselves in the Swedish Open Space Institute, hopefully
with the help of Larry Peterson on DVD and you wave-riding folks on the
list. As inspiration, we plan to enlarge and post the answers to the
questions below in the conference room under four headings:

1. Selforganization and leadership

2. Selforganization and high performance 

3. Selforganization and the importance of conversation and storytelling.

4. Prerequisites for self organization: natural systems (Stuart Kaufmann) -
human systems

We would appreciate it very much if you would help us to elaborate on one or
more of these concepts and are looking forward to receive answers from all
over the world!!

If you have time to answer within a week we would be very grateful (answers
received before Nov. 26 will of course also be posted). MANY THANKS in

Agneta Falk & Thomas Hermann for the Swedish Open Space Institute


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