Dear All,

The website link for on-line registration for WOSONOS 2009 in Taiwan won't be up and running for another few weeks, but the invitation below, which is also on an OST blog (<> ), should give you sufficient information to arrange timing away from home, transportation, hotels, sightseeing adventures, visas if needed, etc. Check out some of the links on About Taiwan. We look forward to a grand insightful time with you. If you have questions or need help, don't hesitate to let us know. Keep watch for the on-line registration announcement!

for the Taiwan Host Team

The Open Space Community of Taiwan
Open Space Institutes around the world
International Open Space Practitioners and Colleagues
invite you to

The 17th World Open Space on Open Space (WOSonOS)

A conference in Open Space, for facilitators, organizations
and colleagues who use Open Space Technology

at the Tien-Mou International Convention Center, in Taipei, Taiwan,

14-17 October 2009

What Can We Learn / Share / Teach / Explore / Discover with Each Other
about our Work Around the World With Self-Organization in Open Space?

Wednesday, 14 October, evening
Welcome Reception to meet old and new friends and colleagues
(included in the WOSonOS registration fee, registered delegates only)

Thursday, 15 October through Saturday, 17 October, 2009
World Open Space on Open Space for facilitators, organizations and colleagues who use Open Space Technology

(the WOSonOS delegate registration fee includes: Conference fee, Wednesday evening reception, Thursday through Saturday lunches, and Thursday evening celebration dinner).

English (if English is difficult for you, we will attempt to find other Conference participants to support you)

Because of the shifting global economic and political realities, visa requirements are also in flux. Please check for your country on: <> , and/or

CONFERENCE FEE: (not yet finalized, but are working to get it within the US$300 range as it has been in previous years.) We intend to make this Conference available to as many as wish to participate from our global community. Therefore, our fee payment philosophy is: "Pay what you can and a little bit more."

Basic Delegate Fee includes: Conference fee, Wednesday evening reception, Thursday through Saturday lunches, and Thursday evening celebration dinner.

We are seeking funds for partial support for overseas participants who might not otherwise be able to attend. So, we invite anyone who has access to contributions to help with financial assistance, to please let us know.

Tien Mou International Convention Center (Conference site): <>
  (in Chinese but you can see what it looks like!)
Room for 2 people with 2 single beds, private bath. Cost: US$ 50 for the room; US$ 25 each if shared with another participant. Wireless and parking available. Meals not provided as part of the Registration Fee are easily available in the neighborhood.

Or you can arrange a hotel of your choice in Taipei. Below are links for a variety of the hotels on a direct bus line (#220 - roughly US$0.50/person, transportation time: about 30-40 mins.) or taxi (1 way cost is only US$6-7.50) ) to the Tien-Mou International Convention Center. Contact the hotel of your choice directly if you do not plan to stay overnight at the Convention Center. Pay particular attention to whether or not tax and service charges are included in the listed price. There are often special rates available (sometimes up to 50%, so always ask for them).

List of hotels in a variety of price ranges with easy access to public transportation to the Tien-Mou International Convention Center.

1) Grand Formosa Regent - 5 Stars  US$180+


2) Hotel Royal Taipei - 5 Stars  US$150+


3) The Grand Hotel Taipei - 5 stars US$160+


4) The Riviera Hotel Taipei- 3.5 stars US$125+


5) The Ambassador Hotel Taipei - 4 stars US$160+


6) K Hotel Taipei II (Business Hotel) - US$88+


7) Taipei Sunroute Hotel (Business Hotel) - US$70+


8) Feeling Motel <> US$50 (58 on weekends) Within walking distance of Convention Center

Online hotel booking sites to get good rates:







Gail West
3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road
Taipei, Taiwan 111
8862) 2871-3150
SKYPE   gwestica

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