With you in spirit and love at this rime Raffi. I reach out to you across the miles with offerings of peacefilled blessings.
Joan Smith

On 07/03/2009, at 8:01 AM, Sheri wrote:

Dear Raffi,

I have been holding you in the heart of all hearts and the mysteries of all mysteries which we all
partake in.

As another sister from the Pacific Northwest, I send you loving healing peaceful energy as you and your family sit with this turn of the tide in your personal lives. My heart feels for you from afar as we are all so close...Tears come in acknowledgment of the pain...and a touch of kindness from the wind and the sun and the earth which can remind us of oh the greater path that is

Here is a poem for you:

Not going, not coming,
Rooted, deep and still
Not reaching out, not reaching in
Just resting, at the center
A single jewel, the flawless crystal drop
In the blaze of its brilliance
The way beyond.

- Shih Te (c. 730)

Love's radiance,

"Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have
discovered fire." ~~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

On Fri Mar  6 14:56 , Cliodhna Mulhern  sent:

Dear Raffi
From a sister you have never met, but who also has lost loved ones,
no words can bring you comfort at this time, I know. Just know I will
hold you in my meditation this evening.
Love, Cliodhna

On 6 Mar 2009, at 01:13, Raffi Aftandelian wrote:

Dear friends,

On February 27th my brother Serge passed away quickly and
unexpectedly from
unknown causes. He was a happily married father of three delightful
kids. The funeral will be this weekend. He'd just turned 37.

Spirit has many faces and works in many ways.

I'm writing to ask that you hold space for us.


San Diego

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