
I think it is possible to Open some Space in that format, and I have done
so, but not called it OST.   I have gathered topics and group initiators
from the front or middle of the room of table groups – 300 to 500.  I have
recorded those on electronic projection and make group location assignments
in a pre-prepared grid.  It takes some doing to get volunteers group
initiators, but I’ve had it work.  The key for me is to be sure the room or
other space is set up to enable self-organizing breakout sessions from the
table group set up – to the sides/corners of the room or maybe even back to
the tables.  People need to get out of table groups (usually experienced as
a traditional meeting) and into flowing self-organization based on emergent
leadership.  It partly depends on how much time is available – how many
rounds of self-organizing discussions?  If it is one – I don’t think much
space has been opened but it can still lead to great discussions.  How will
the “reports” be made or collected?  What outcomes is the client seeking.


With a group of 250 and a short time frame Andrew and I  did an Open Space
Fishbowl in Australia.  It provided a great basis for conversation – it was
not a way to identify and enable emergent leadership of action groups.


If the client can only tolerate table group processes (which is true for
some I’ve experienced) then I use the design of the table groups to enable
conversation – a la Conversation Café.


Good luck with this client.





Larry Peterson & Associates in Transformation

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 <>   416.653.4829




From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: March-31-09 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [OSLIST] Help!


hey man.  first thought, if you must post on a (vertical) wall... canadian
tables.  next, better thought, i think... tabletops as the wall.  current
topic on top of the pile.  frame it as a move toward major compliance...
make the tables the focus and gathering points.  some groups will be too big
and will push some tables around.  let the people move the tables out of
their way.  let them open as much space as they need.  i like the laptop and
wifi option, too... but don't think it's essential.  good luck!  m


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Chris Corrigan <>

I've been at this a long time now, but I've run up against a situation like
this.  I'm stumped and looking for help.

I;ll be opening space for a gethering of 500+ people.  The client is
completely unwilling to set the room in a circle.  Instead, we will have 96
tables with 6 chairs at each table packed into a spacious but full ball room
facing a stage.  The walls of this room are incredible...they appear to be
actually stuffed with cotton and covered in fabric.  There is little hope of
putting anything on the walls.

On the plus side we will have lots of AV, so there is a goodly amount of
technology available to play with for agenda setting and huge screen

I'm worried on a number of levels as you can imagine, but at the moment I'm
trying to put that all aside and figure out, in this worst case scenario,
what is the best thing we could do to Open Space?  Anyone been faced with
similar constraints?  Help me out here...

All tips and support I get on this, I'll roll up into a little document on
"what to do when nothing is what you need it to be" and we can share it out.

OSLIST group mind...activate!


Facilitation - Training - Process Design
Open Space Technology


Principal, Harvest Moon Consultants, Ltd.
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