Dear Holger,
-embracing uncertainty
-allowing things to emerge and
-giving up control
is the order of the day, change will unfold unhampered in a selforganizing mode...nudging the emergence of the open space organisation.
Now, what happens to "change management"?
Have a safe trip back to Berlin

Holger Nauheimer (Change Facilitation) wrote:
I am currently at the Web 2.0 Expo at San Francisco. Having been there two
years ago, it is interesting to see how the focus has shifted. What strikes
me most is that the ideas of Harrison Owen - the philosophy of organizations
based on passion and responsibility - and the talks about Enterprise 2.0
that I am following are converging at fast speed. Open Space Technology is
mentioned quite a lot here.
It confirms what I have been thinking over the last two years. Web 2.0
platforms can be used to support the building up of Open Space
organizations. The ironic thing though is that the introduction of social
media into the strategy of organizations becomes a change process by itself.
This reminds me of talks with clients about the applicaton of Open Space
Technology in their organizations which is often a change management project
as well. It is the same mechanism - for organizations to embrace OST and/or
social media it takes the same courage: to embrace uncertainty, to allow
things to emerge and to give up control.

I am documenting a couple of sessions on my blog
( but will only be able to digest and
summarize when I leave the conference on Friday.

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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