Isn't technology defined as the application of knowledge? OST fits. What better way than a technology driven by active, engaged participation - albeit very complex. Throughout our time on this planet, haven't we been using technologies to help us shape our destinies, sometime a wisely and sometime not?

Regards to all.

Robyn Stratton-Berkessel
+1 732 291 0462

On Jun 9, 2009, at 7:31 AM, Harrison Owen wrote:

Kaliya – I can’t speak for “Open Space Meeting” – But when it comes to “Technology” – that started out as a joke. How could any body call OST a “technology”? But I kind of got stuck with it in India. In 1989 we did a wonderful Open Space in Goa around organizational learning. The press picked it up and suddenly there is was in inch high headlines across the Mumbai Papers. Then of course there are the titles of my several books in multiple languages. I guess you can call it anything you want to, but it will always be “technology” to me – until that wonderful day when we don’t have to talk about it any more. If it is any comfort, it actually does fit the broad definition of technology – which has been around long before its current attachment to computers and the like. J


Harrison Owen
189 Beaucaire Ave
Camden, ME 04843
207-763-3261 (Summer)
301-365-2093 (Winter)
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From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Kaliya *
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 4:42 PM
Subject: Open Space being badly defined

So, In case you are all wondering about the online world....while you were not looking some geeks decided to define things badly.

There is an entry about barcamps that claims they are an "open space" event

(I already edited to make it better...

and then links to this entry for "open space meeting"

which was shocking to me - I actually think it should be deleted - which we could propose.

Does anyone know where this "term" is coming from or where it is used?

Does this community have a plan for online engagement around usage of the term and how it is not taken out of context and used poorly?

Has there been any conversation about changing the "name' to Open Space Methodology? (I personaly can't use the words "OST" cause I work in tech and well that creates confusion. Open Space Method makes it clear it is a "particular way of facilitating" more then the word "technology" does at least in my mind...


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