You sound pretty close to it to me, Doug. The nesting Alexander speaks of may be something like the concept of holons in Integral. Where each entity is both a whole unto itself and an intrinsic part of a yet larger whole--all nested in a great holarchy of being. The boundaries of each dependent on what perspective is engaged at any particular moment. Pretty fluid, paradoxical stuff as you've intuited.

Circles of belonging. To me, mean those nested ecologies of relationship we cultivate that provide us with our sense of belonging, of community, of personal meaning and affirmation. Some folks sadly don't seem to experience this at all anywhere in their lives. I believe that circles of belonging are vital to our health and our future. Our family can be one, our friends can be one, our neighbourhood, church, or workplace could be too. This is where the skill comes in. So many of us need to learn how to be intimate together, so that we can reflect our worth to each other in ways that truly liberate and validate our experience of our humanness.

much love,

On 14-Jun-09, at 4:05 PM, douglas germann wrote:


I suspect that is what Alexander is saying. In effect, the individual
center and the whole give each other life. He speaks of nesting a couple of places, but I have yet to figure out exactly what he means by it. It
is almost like the light in the projector and the image on the screen
appear at the same time. (There are no really good metaphors.) But in
this case, the image on the screen helps give life/light to the

Have not studied the integral perspective, so I am not sure I am
catching your meaning, or responding appropriately, Larry.

                        :- Doug.

On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 10:07 -0400, Larry Peterson wrote:
Yes and!  An integral perspective suggests that the individual, the
group, the behaviour and the interrelationships are all constituent of
who we are and the reality that we are part of in every moment.


Larry Peterson & Associates in Transformation

Toronto, Ontario, Canada   416.653.4829

From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
Wendy Farmer-O'Neil
Sent: June-12-09 1:56 AM
Subject: [OSLIST] Fwd: [OSLIST] helping the whole

      Circles of Belonging, Doug.

      Don't we feel most alive when we know we are truly
      significant?  That our existence matters essentially to
      another?  We can only see that truly reflected in the eyes of
      our community.

      Explains modern existential angst.  Without true community and
      a way to find our place in it--we find life deadened, numbing,
      meaningless.  Same is mirrored in organizations.  We have
      largely managed (all puns intended) to engineer an inhuman
      context for ourselves.

      Re-membering and re-claiming the skills and patterns of
      connecting to the whole is a vital process for our future.  We
      will know we have arrived when, as Harrison has recently
      pointed out, OST is just one of the ways we do things.  I
      believe the deep inner resonance for this sense of one's place
      in the whole is what many people experience and enjoy about
      open space.

      thanks for all these great quotes.  I've wanted to read his
      work for so long.  This is a real treat.



      On 11-Jun-09, at 8:04 PM, douglas germann wrote:


      Another evocative piece from Christopher Alexander:

      It is their presence in the whole, and the fact that they are
      helping the life of the whole, which gives them their
      individual life....Italics in original. Christopher Alexander,
      The Nature of Order: An Essay on the Art of Building and The
      Nature of the Universe, Book One: The Phenomenon of Life, p

      What I am seeing here as an inside-out truth, is that in a
      group we do not lend the group our individual life, it goes
      somewhat the other way round about. What gives us our
      individual existence and life is our presence in the group,
      our helping of the group; in turn the others helping the group
      give us life. We intensify each other.

      Can this be true?

      :- Doug.

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      Wendy Farmer-O'Neil

      CEO Prospera Consulting


      The moment of change is the only poem. -- Adrienne Rich

Wendy Farmer-O'Neil

CEO Prospera Consulting


The moment of change is the only poem. -- Adrienne Rich

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Wendy Farmer-O'Neil
CEO Prospera Consulting

The moment of change is the only poem. -- Adrienne Rich

Wendy Farmer-O'Neil
CEO Prospera Consulting

The moment of change is the only poem. -- Adrienne Rich

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