On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Kaliya * <identitywo...@gmail.com> wrote:

They are not simply "rebranding" they are doing something qualitatively
> different that is quite a bit less inclusive and less powerful...
> they are pointing people at THE RULES OF BAR CAMP....
> http://www.barcamp.org/TheRulesOfBarCamp
> Basically insisting in loud letters on the wiki THAT EVERYONE WHO ATTEND
> PRESENT (if not in actuality) - completely missing the role of invitation,
> inquiry, exploration in getting people there.  It makes people afraid to
> come.

Hi Kaliya,

Thanks for this link. I've heard of a few BarCamp-style events at my company
and was wondering in what ways they would be different from Open Space, and
also wondering how to advocate for Open Space when I hear about BarCamps in
the future.

The striking difference for me in those Rules of BarCamp is the emphasis on
"presentation". Each session is a presentation, attendees are encouraged to
give presentations, etc.

That reminds me of one of the complaints I've heard a few times, about both
Open Space and non-Open Space unconferences -- sometimes, some folks
*want*high-quality presentations, and feel that they are either not
welcome or
that they get interrupted by conversation that feels tangential or
distracting (i.e., not letting the presenter "finish").

My usual answer is that Open Space *does* welcome different styles of
sessions, and I've seen presentations well-received during Open Space events
-- as long as the freedom to come and go is still honored.

Does that difference and concern sound familiar to others here?


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