This is such a fascinating conversation. I've always used good ole' Strunk & White to help me out--on either side of the debate. S&W pretty much has biblical status among grammar freaks. So here are some of the most interesting bits: Elementary Rules of usage #9. "The number of the subject determines the number of the verb. "

but English being english....this is followed up by all of the exceptions; my favourite being: "Some nouns that appear to be plural are usually construed as singular and given a singular verb. In these cases, the writer must simply learn the idiom...The contents of a jar may be singular or plural, depending on what's in the jar---jam or marbles." (so to Harrison's point---people or People :))

And the best bit of all, from the introduction to "An Approach to Style": "Here we leave solid ground. Who can confidently say what ignites a certain combination of words, causing them to explode in the mind? Who knows why certain notes in music are capable of stirring the listener deeply, though the same notes slightly rearranged are impotent? These are high mysteries, and this chapter is a mystery story, thinly disguised....The preceding chapters contain instructions drawn from established English usage; this one contains advice drawn from a writer's experience of writing. Since the book is a rule book, these cautionary remarks, these subtly dangerous hints, are presented in the form of rules, but they are, in essence, mere gentle reminders: they state what most of us know and at times forget."

Sound familiar?? :)

If you don't own a copy of Strunk and White's, "The Elements of Style" and you write at all regularly in English, i encourage you to see if you can find a copy in your local used bookstore. Probably the best 85 pages your writing will ever experience.


On 24-Jun-09, at 9:21 PM, Phelim wrote:

And here it is! As I said there is a grammar issue here. There have been moments where I have not experienced tolerance as in your case Lucy ... But have lost an intelligent participant because somewhere it offends some sensibility and they leave. I notice that I have been sad that I have had to defend the principle to them and also lost a contribution which they might have brought to the wonderful whole just because of Language!

I also realize this is hot for me because my mother was an English teacher and I suspect she may have left also because of this!
Phelim x

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2009, at 7:13 PM, Lucy Garrick - NorthShore Group < > wrote:

Sounds weird to me, Harrison. I appreciate your intentionality about wholeness. So whatever floats your boat is OK with me.


NorthShore Group
Organization Strategy, Planning and Leadership Consulting
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Blog:  Global Outlook from the NorthShore
Phone: +1*206-335-5635
Time Zone: Seattle, WA USA Pacific Standard (PST)

On Jun 24, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Harrison Owen wrote:

Actually – “People” can be singular – as in “The People.” – So – “Whoever comes IS the right people.” I confess to a certain weirdness, to say nothing of incorrectitude, in my grammar All my teachers will attest that I didn’t have a clue! But on this one, it actually was quite intentional. I felt the critical thing was The People – the collective, the Whole. As defined by “all those who care.” That People IS the Right People.


Harrison Owen
189 Beaucaire Ave
Camden, ME 04843
207-763-3261 (Summer)
301-365-2093 (Winter)
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