Thank you Suzanne, Pierre, Charline and Ducan!! It's great to feel you close for this event!!!

Best regards,


Déborah Maarek

Awareness Consulting

Rue de Toulouse, 15 - 1040 Brussels, Belgique

T: +32 (0) 2 219 33 35 - Gsm: +32 (0) 495 38 98 88

Skype: deborahmaarek

Le 05-oct.-09 à 16:20, Suzanne Daigle a écrit :

Oops forgot to say that the gang at NuFocus who were in your OPEN SPACE class in Ottawa (Pierre, Charline and Duncan) are also cheering you on. S

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Suzanne Daigle <> wrote: Déborah, Bonjour, hello ma chère amie who I met at IONS in Arizona. As you know, I too am a recent graduate of Diane Gibeault's class and like you I embarked as you are now in a large Open Space with 300 people about a month ago. Deborah, I know you will be successful and I can tell you that you are ready and doing all the right things. All the work you are doing beforehand on the logistics (and we've truly learned from one of the best) will make this a beautiful experience allowing you to be so fully present. Like you I meditated a lot before, ate healthy, rested and imagined in my heart the gift that I had the priviledge to introduce through Open Space, the gift of choice, freedom, passion, etc. I also felt the support of this wonderful OS community, so generous in spirit and support. So Deborah, I add my wishes to others and send you a big smile and hug as you Open and Hold this space in St. Denis. Suzanne

2009/10/5 Déborah Maarek <>

Merci Esther pour ces bonnes ondes!

Je fais confiance au processus et continue de bien préparer en amont la logistique et l'animation afin que je puisse être totalement présente lors des deux jours!

Nice to feel connected accross the Atlantic!

Best regards,

Déborah Maarek

Awareness Consulting

Rue de Toulouse, 15 - 1040 Brussels, Belgique

T: +32 (0) 2 219 33 35 - Gsm: +32 (0) 495 38 98 88

Skype: deborahmaarek

Le 05-oct.-09 à 15:05, Esther Matte a écrit :

Bonjour Déborah,

Diane est une super-formatrice et tu as déjà animé un petit groupe, ce qui est souvent plus difficile qu’un grand groupe. Aucun doute, tu es prête! Fais-toi confiance, fais confiance au groupe et fais confiance à la méthode. Le reste va aller tout seul!

Je t’envoie plein de bonnes ondes J

Esther Matte
Discover - Engage - Accomplish
New York: 212.755.0551
Montreal: 450.583.5849

-----Message d'origine-----
De : OSLIST [] De la part de Déborah Maarek
Envoyé : 5 octobre 2009 03:34
À :
Objet : Open Space in Paris, 10 &11 October - Colibris

I am quiete new with OST. I've been trained by Diane Gibeault last May in Canada and since I have facilitate one open space in Brussels with 18 people on one day. This week is a big week for me beacause I will facilitate a bigger OST in St Denis, Paris for the NGO Colibris (www.colibris- with 100 to 150 people during 2 days!

Every morning I do meditation in order to connect myself and this morning it was obvious that I should send this email on the OST list!
I guess my intention is to feel connected to all of you!
I don't have specific question, maybe they will arrive during the OST!!! -) Or during this week...

Best regards,

Déborah Maarek
Awareness Consulting
Rue de Toulouse, 15 - 1040 Brussels, Belgique
T: +32 (0) 2 219 33 35 - Gsm: +32 (0) 495 38 98 88
Skype: deborahmaarek

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par la situation écologique et humaine sur la planète ?

Pour répondre à cette situation, vous croyez qu'il est nécessaire :

- de profondément transformer notre relation à nous même, aux autres et à la nature

- de créer de nouveaux modèles de société fondés sur l'épanouissement, la sobriété, l'autonomie, l'interdépendance, la coopération, la qualité de vie...

Vous avez l'élan de participer d'une façon ou d'une autre à cette transformation et à ces créations, à votre échelle ?

Nous vous proposons de participer au premier Forum des Colibris les 10 et 11 octobre prochain à l'Académie Frattelini sur le thème : "Comment nos actions locales peuvent-elles influer sur la société ?"

Pendant deux jours vous pourrez rencontrer, échanger, co- construire avec des entrepreneurs, des élus, des membres d'associations, des agriculteurs, des artistes, des citoyens qui partagent les mêmes intentions que vous.

Les deux jours seront animés avec la méthode du Forum Ouvert, un outil innovant d'intelligence collective, permettant de vivre une très forte aventure humaine tout en construisant des plans d'action communs, à partir de la diversité et de l'autonomie des participants. Vous pouvez découvrir en quoi cela consiste en cliquant ici.

Vous trouverez ci-dessus l'invitation et le formulaire

Nous espérons vous compter nombreux parmi nous !

Pierre Rabhi et toute l'équipe de Colibris

En signant la charte du mouvement pour la terre et l'humanisme

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Le 05-oct.-09 à 08:15, Shikha Shrestha a écrit :

yes, i was also bit afraid to start once but once you start it then it you do not feel any fear. It is because it is not only in charge of making the party success, the whole group owns the process and makes their effort in making it success. The only struggle for you is how to make these people owns the party, then it will rock, do not worry, it will be a loving memory, if you succeed then you are further motivated to do better next time, if you fail then you are again encouraged that there are so many learning that can be capitalized next time to make it better. so both ways, you win, just trust yourself and rock the party


On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Harrison Owen <> wrote: Nicola -- I'm sure you will find the proper dress, but the great secret of Open Space is; Create your own party! It is not rocket science and it is
absolutely true: Anybody with a good head and a good heart can do it.
Doubtless you are well equipped in both areas so -- Just Do it! You will find lots of help here at OSLIST, and if you are the reading type try, "Open Space Technology: A User's Guide" 3rd Edition. will supply.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20854
Phone 301-365-2093
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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Nicola
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 1:21 AM
Subject: Ever gone to a party without realising it was fancy dress?

I'm the one in the corner looking sheepish ...

I am so new to Open Space I have yet to experience it (and being on the list
has just heightened the anticipation).

I am based in Ireland, anyone doing a session near me soon that I can
observe please?


Nicola Hampson
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

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Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;  CT 203-722-2009

Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;  CT 203-722-2009
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