Dear Bernd,

Thank you for this wonderful story and for your part in serving. Consider me part of the concentric circles.

Warm wishes from my snowy retreat space,


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 20, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Bernd Weber < > wrote:

Hi all,

this is to inform you, that I set up such a project meanwhile. Starting with calls for donations in my family, clan, friends, company and networks. Creative ideas popped up: some of my ex- teacher-collegues posted calls for donations on the informations boards of their schools. Some people copy pasted the call into their email signature (see below). At the moment it is mainly the concentric circles from family to friends and meanwhile friends of friends, but as CF/CFAN some also started donating and we plan to collaborate with global facilitators ( who have right now people in the Dom.Rep. for preparation and first steps, are translating their material into Creole and are preparing a humanitarian mission with consultants/facilitators asap. First week of Feb we will set up a virtual conference for concretizing this collaboration. For CF/CFAN it will be the materialization of the third of our three pillars: learning-earning-serving.


Bernd Weber
Change Facilitation s.r.o., A Global Partner Who Makes Change Happen in Complex Environments;, ;; Austria Mobile: +43 6641354828, Landline + 431 5968657; Sri Lanka landline +94 11 2785859, mobile +94 71 6090838

Wenn Du Dich fragst, wie Du angesichts der Haiti Erdbeben Katastrophe mit deinen bescheidenen Möglichkeiten als Einzelperson s chnell wirkungsvolle Hilfe leisten kannst, dann nimm jetzt Deine Kre ditkarte zur Hand und spende für John Engles Change-for-Haiti-Partne rs Nothilfe-Fonds. Mit Deinem Beitrag hilfst Du Ihnen, jetzt Brot, W asser, Medikamente etc. an die SchülerInnen Ihrer zerstörten Partner schulen zu verteilen; sobald wie möglich vorläufige geschützte Lernmöglichkeiten zu schaffen, damit die Kids nicht aufhören müssen zu lernen, ja und dann werden sie anfangen die zerstörten Sch ulen (erdbebensicher) wieder aufzubauen.

Seeing the dimension of the Haiti Earthquake disaster you may ask yourself "How you I help rapidly and effectively?" then please consider to donate NOW for John Engles CHANGE FOR HAITI PARTNERS Initiative. They are now distributing Food and Water to the kids of their partner schools, they will create intermediate learning opportunities, so kids can continue learning NOW and, asap, they wil start rebuilding the destroyed school.

Get your credit card ready. Goto Wähle Menüre iter/select Menupoint "Home" and click "Earthquake Response Fund".Bi tte mach den passenden Zahlungsvermerk/Please remark "Bernds persona l network: family/friend/e-group/collegue/CF/CFAN..., so John can ge t transparency about the involved networks/John bekommt so einen Übe rblick über die aktiv werdenden Netzwerkteile.

If you want to do more: please copy paste this call for donation into the signature of your email for one or more weeks. Of course you can adapt it according to your ideas and/or find a creative solution that would appeal to your folks


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