I wake to find the terrible news news of Brian Bainbridge''s death....

His Faith may say his life has not ended, only changed.  I have never believed 
that, and I think he knew this.  We would probably smile at each other over our 
difference.  My smile would be full of respectful courtesy, but his would be 
full of humble, accepting, unalloyed love.

I had not seen Brian for many years, not since an OSonOS by the Pacific in 
California, about 1997 or 1998.  One evening that week my wife and I and the 
Petersons went to dinner with Brian and, I think, Tom Thiss.  Becky and Larry 
and I chatted each other up on about a hundred things while Tom and Brian 
talked quietly at the other end of the table.  When it came time to settle the 
bill, Brian and I looked at each other, and I realized it was the first time 
all evening I had actually looked him in the eye.  I knew right away I had 
missed an opportunity to get to know him better, which, after all, had been one 
point of the dinner, but I had blown it.  Nevertheless, he gave me that same 
loving smile.  I would go back to New Jersey, and he'd go home to Australia, 
and I sensed we would probably never see each other again, and I felt a little 

And so it was.  We planned a visit to Australia in 2000, and Brian's e-mails 
were full of suggestions about what to see and where to go.  And an open 
invitation, of course, for Joyce and me to spend time with him.  I think he 
would have traveled to anywhere in that huge country to re-open and share our 
frustrated friendship.  But we never made the trip, and Brian and I fell out of 
personal contact altogether.

We had some time together in that ocean-side open space, however, and I thought 
he was everything I would have hoped for in a friend.  So he leaves me an 
important reminder to take hold of opportunities, to carpe all my diems, so to 
speak.  I have a feeling none of his days were left unrealized.  Good for him.  
I raise my glass high.

My condolences to all his close friends far and near.  May the memory of his 
life always give comfort.

Ralph Copleman
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