Dear all,

I have been reflecting for some time on the question how to improve on the 
effectiveness of the breakout groups in Open Space. Last year I organised a 
seminar in Thailand on Dynamic Facilitation (DF) with Jim Rough from the United 
States. Since I have been playing with the idea to combine OST with DF. What 
happens if you could visualise the conversations in the group(s) using the DF 
approach using the four flipchart. I have been working and facilitating on many 
complex issues such as HIV/Aids, drugs, conflict in Southern Thailand, the 
social situation in Myanmar, justice reform in Thailand etc.  using often OST 
as one integral part of my workshop designs - most of them multi-stakeholder 
workshops. But still I feel something is missing in the OST group sessions. Has 
anybody of you successfully experimented / worked with a combination of DF and 
OST so far? What are your experiences? I assume one bottleneck will be the lack 
of Dynamic Facilitators. 

By the way - to my surprise I found an article online on OST and Dynamic 
Facilitation. Here is the link

In any case - if anyone is interested in the Asian region in learning more 
about Dynamic Facilitation - Jim Rough and his partner Jean are coming to 
Bangkok at the end of April (27-29) again. Some colleagues and I will try to 
upgrade our skills in DF. So if you are interested in joining the course you 
can check

Looking forward to hear about your ideas, thoughts and experiences. 

Jost Wagner, IAF
Certified Professional Facilitator
Facilitator Forum Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand 
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