Another option is to try using the Open Space Online software for a
conversation or tele connections like that Cisco provides to engage
conversations at a variety of locations at once.


Larry Peterson & Associates in Transformation
Toronto, Ontario, Canada   416.653.4829

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Allison &
Jim Baensch
Sent: March-11-10 5:32 PM
Subject: [OSLIST] Working group

Hi All,
I am unsure how to proceed and would appreciate your suggestions or  

As one of a hundred members of an Australian professional  
association, I have offered to be on a new, nine person working group.
I was asked to set up this group, by ringing people who had expressed  
interest in the association's future.
(Concerns had been expressed by several members about our future and  
how to establish a suitable structure.)
The working group had been asked to look at structures including  
incorporation and to write a constitution for the association.

Members of the working group are scattered through much of Australia,  
so phone or similar meetings are more likely than face to face.

There is some interest in using Open Space.
One member of the group recently attended a 5 day Open Space  
gathering and was most impressed.
I have sent the openspaceworld web site to group members.

For some reason I am having difficulty with finding the next step.
I guess it has to do with invitation.
And with knowing how we can best 'meet' if Open Space is chosen as  
our group's meeting and operating structure.
It might be to do with finding a suitable technology.

The bodywork we all perform has many of the same principles as Open  
Space, in a physical way.

Greetings from a cool, clear Autumn day in South-East Victoria,  
from Allison.

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