Thanks Harrison.

So we dealt with the consequences of having said yes to compromises. Which when we got here were even bigger than we had been told. We made those compromises because we felt the benefits if we did do it outweighed the challenges. We dealt with the add ons we hadn't been told about, the space clashes and the support being not so great in some areas. We did a pretty good job I think. Lots of great feedback.

However now I have to deal with the cynics who don't see the good (because often it's invisible) and the people who think the add ons were part of our OS event and say "I don't think open space worked here because... Etc"

All this is work for myself... on myself dealing with my own inner critics. However it makes me in the moment realise that I am determined to return to what we set out to do which was to really aim to do OS which for us means doing the full three day two night journey. Not adding to OS but doing one less thing each time. Really making sure it's a good space and trusting that process. One of the things that feels right about this is the step to space opening in everyday life is nearer. Just a step away.

Doing one less thing could include saying no to the whole gig.

Love to all


Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Apr 2010, at 22:01, Harrison Owen <> wrote:

Phelim -- I knew you would do it! The shape and quantity of the space is important. AND I am always amazed that in spite of everything, it works. I remember one time having a very long narrow room, so narrow in fact that peoples knees were almost touching. Space in the middle was practically non-existent. I don't have a clue how it all worked, but it did. There can be an upside to having been given rotten space. I always take it as an invitation to take the whole group in a parade in search of something better. A little singing helps too. :-)


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854
Phone 301-365-2093 (Personal Website)
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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Phelim McDermott
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: OS for theatre in Berlin

Hello a very successful OS here in Berlin.. Tomorrow we have one more
session for action and any more sessions on a much more difficult
space however the opening space from today may even manage to change
the architecture of the building! It WAS possible today to create a
flat circle on a very steep rake of seats and a stage!

Thanks to all.

Phelim x

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Apr 2010, at 13:21, Phelim McDermott <> wrote:

Hi Friends

Thanks do much for support. OS up and running 450 people...

Thanks volcano

Roughly 80 sessions

Circle created in a very non open space space

Energy good today.

Thanks so much for help and advice.

Michael I met your friend he's joining in sessions as we speak.

Phelim x

Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Apr 2010, at 20:42, Michael M Pannwitz <>

Dear Phelim,
the German ones are close to what I use which goes like this:

-Die da sind, sind genau die Richtigen
-Was auch immer geschieht: Es ist das Einzige, was geschehen konnte
-Es fängt an, wenn die Zeit reif ist
-Vorbei ist vorbei - Nicht vorbei ist nicht vorbei

-Das Gesetz der zwei Füße...or, in the tradition of leaving things
off, shorter
"Das Gesetz"

The advantage of the version that I use is that it is not a
"translation" from English into German but more consequently  uses
German idiom (also a tribute to the principles being universal).
By the way, I also call the "principles" "facts of life" which in
German is "Tatsachen des Lebens".

Where will the event take place? I might be close by, living in

Regarding your questions:
The number of breakout spaces results from the number of issues
posted divided by the number of time slots.
In your case you can figure on 75 to 120 issues. Having 3 time
slots, you need 25 to 40 break out spaces.

I have no experience with simultaneous Open Space events taking
place in different spaces...but people have reported on this on
various occasions in this list and felt it worked well.
From my experience, its great to have large spaces (like the large
tents we had for the 2108 in Würzburg ... 232 issues...70 breakout chaos that the participants managed with ease) but
from your description the space you have is neither very large no
r empty!!!

The weather forecast for Berlin is, well, like April, unpredictable.
Today it was sunny, warm, windy and chilly...all within hours.

Have a great time in Berlin

Phelim McDermott schrieb:
These are the translations we've got so far how do they look?
in French:
-    Les personnes qui se présentent, sont les bonnes
-    Ce qui arrive devait arriver
-    Quand ça commence, c’est le bon moment
-    Quand c’est fini, c’est fini
-    La loi de la mobilité
In German:
-    Wer auch immer kommt, es sind die richtigen Leute
-    Was auch immer geschieht, es ist das Einzige, was geschehen
konnte .
-    Es beginnt, wenn die Zeit reif ist
-    Vorbei ist vorbei - Nicht vorbei ist Nicht-vorbei
-    Gesetz der zwei Füße
On 12 Apr 2010, at 17:00, Phelim McDermott wrote:
Hi Folks,

In the next few days we are doing an open space in Berlin for the
European theatre community IETM. They have asked us to open space
in the middle of their conference. Initially they said this would
probably be for about 400 people. The space they have is in a not
ideal space for opening with this number but we thought we could
work around the raked seating in their theatre space to create
the semblance of a circle. We have now been told 700 have signed
up!! The invite obviously has some charge to it. So we are
looking at trying to open space at the beginning outside hoping
that the weather holds out. Of course it may not so we may have
to deal with being inside.  Does anyone have experience of
suddenly having to deal with a lot more people than originally
planned for? Of opening the space in different rooms? Using video
links in order to accommodate the numbers.

We have a day for three sessions and another day to reopen space
for action?


How many sessions for 700 people for 1.5 days.. and so
consequently roughly how many break out spaces?

What are the principles and law in German?
What are the principles and law in French?

Does anyone have any thoughts or advice.

Thanks for advice anyone.



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Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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