
Thank you for sharing your joy!  I'm there in Spirit, delighting in your


Karen Sella 
Phone: 1.206.780.2998
Skype: karensella
lumina fr. L. light, air, opening... 


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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Suzanne
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:01 PM
Subject: [OSLIST] WOSonOS Berlin

To our OS community,

It is late...what to say and where to start. For many of us, it was
not easy getting here but after detours and delays, here we all are!
Berlin WOSonOS!    The church where we sat in concentric circles
defies description -- such a beautiful and spiritual setting.  Our
host team outdid itself.  There is no way tonight that I could capture
the words spoken by so many in the official welcome marking the 25th
anniversary of OST. Such love and delightful humor in those anecdotes.
Of course Harrison's name came up quite a few times, along with many
others who were and are part of its history. These stories seemed to
somehow bring everyone into the room with us whether they were
physically here or not.

Tonight as I write these few words, I simply want to somehow capture
the joy I felt and saw in others as we put faces to familiar names,
greeting each other as old friends even though many of us were meeting
for the very first time. And that in the end is worth honoring and
celebrating -- living in the moment of those greetings and
conversations knowing that tomorrow and for the next few days, the
circle will open, space will be held and the circle will close. OST is
so precious in so many ways something that we are reminded of,
everytime we are together.

In closing, it seems that even Brian Bainbridge might have been up to
his mischevious ways when a group of us sat in a small restaurant for
lunch quite startled to see all those kangaroo items on the first page
of the menu. Kangaroo in Berlin?  Was it our Australian WOSonOS
friends sending us an unusual message?  We bravely ordered our meal
and loved it.

Be prepared to be surprised indeed. We were and still are.

Sweet dreams everyone.


Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009

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