Beautiful Lisa

Sounds like returning home together before creating what you hear and feel was needed....

Wishing you all a wonderful last Day

Missed this one for other commitments

With kindness


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Den 15/05/2010 kl. 07.19 skrev Lisa Heft <>:

Dear colleagues -

It is Saturday morning in Berlin and I look forward to a lovely breakfast with Gail West (Taiwan), Brendan McKeague (Australia) and Matilda Leyser (England), then off to the WOSonOS for the final day of the event. I just wanted to share with you all that I so enjoyed a group I hosted yesterday at the WOSonOS (It will not be in the Book of Proceedings because we decided not to stress out about the Friday deadline for handing notes in).

I held up a blank piece of paper as my topic sign, selected a time and space and placed the sign on the Agenda Wall.

People gathered and sat in companionable silence in a circle.

Then I wrote some thoughts on cards such as:



Sit in silence

Communicate in silence

Experience an activity that can be done to help people reflect in silence *before* discussion


Other cards said:


Someone to note the time?

(or something like that)


In silence, we 'discussed' and agreed upon the agenda (the time card was tossed away into the air, the documentation was my camera) We agreed to move from the sit-in-silence to the 'communicate in silence' portion of our session.

Much mutual appreciation, twinkling eyes and laughter, exploring little movements together, a bit of running around for some of our members, some putting of things on heads, some sitting laps and a high portion of silliness followed.

Then we shifted into the 'an activity that can be done to help people reflect in silence before discussion' portion of our agenda.

I guided folks (in silence, which is not usually how I explain the guidelines) a reflective activity I have designed - and some of you have helped me field test this activity in past WOSonOS and OSonOSs - which invites participants to answer four questions by drawing their responses (no text allowed). The process is called 'Graphic Window'. After reflection and drawing in response to four questions, we spoke again, going around the circle and sharing what each person drew and what they reflected upon as they heard each of the four questions.


It was all so lovely and nutritious - especially to have silence in the midst of a high-talk environment such as an Open Space.
I bow (silently) with (silent) thanks to my fellow explorers,


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
Opening Space

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