Querido Juan Luis 
(and other friends)
I was hearing you at WOSonOS saying something like
this: "If I am here in Berlin, after so many difficulties, an even received 
award, then everything is possible, even taking the next WOSonOS to Chile, and
organize there a great event, and I have the passion to do it" (my words).
Sometime before, I have reminded you of the need to
have a strong community of practice and a good organizing team, and when I
heard you, my first thought was "passion is good, but is not enough".
But then I reminded - and later I forgot to mention
this to you - of the last book I red before going to Berlin, and that I
recommend to you (best, send me, by a private email, your postal address and I
will offer it to you and have it sent to your home..). The book is 
- the Inner Path of Leadership", by Joseph Jaworski (a former senior
partner of Otto Scharmer - the author of "Presencing" and "Theory
U"). Jaworski takes the definition of "Synchronicity" from Jung
as "a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other
than the probability of chance is involved" and gives, in the book, a lot
of examples of meaningful "coincidences".
So I think that, yes, you are probably right - if a lot of
things that seemed impossible just 6 months ago have happened to you, and if
you feel the passion and the responsibility, maybe you are in a "Synchronicity
mode" and a lot of good things will happen in the near future. One already
did - the next WOSonOS will be in Chile, because everyone was touched by your
And others will happen soon, I believe. 
And you can count on the help you may need from
everyone of us.
Viva Chile!
Un gran abrazo
PS: And, applying the same to myself, and even if in
October I normally have 12 class hours per week (with much less in the second
semester, in May...), and if I don't figure out now I will be able to do that, I
am convinced that myself and VĂ©ro we will be there too ;-)


From: JL Walker <jlwal...@terra.cl>
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 4:00:40 PM
Subject: [OSLIST] All roads take us to Santiago de Chile

Dear Friends,
Holding firmly with my left hand (that of the heart) one of
our most treasured symbols (the talking stick), wanted to announce now, full of
gratitude, that the next 19th WOSonOS will be held in the city of Santiago de
Chile (or somewhere near), during the month of October 2011.
It will be all our passion, creativity and responsibility,
the ones that it will make of this event a milestone of warmth, hospitality and
affection which belongs to the people of this long narrow strip of land in the
Southern Hemisphere.
In a few hours more I will leave Berlin and return to my
home full of energy and enthusiasm to begin working hard for the success of
this great task.
For now just wanted to express all my joy and commitment,
singing our cry again, that so often I did in Berlin with my dear friends from
all over the world (http://vimeo.com/11757978 ):
Ceachei i, Chi!
Ele e, Le!
Chi, Chi, Chi!
Le, Le, Le!
Viva Chile!
A big hug to each and every one of you, and just be prepared
to be surprised!
Juan Luis Walker B.
Phone: 56-2-2691033
Mobile: 56-9-92220127
Skype: jlwalker54
http://www.espacioabierto.net *
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