Hi Phelim:

I'll be there in London...and Juan Luis, who knows, possibly Santiago as well.

And as a former host of OSonOS, I echo Harrison's earlier note about not doing 
too much, and I offer up myself in whatever way I can be useful to share what I 
learned those ten long years ago when Laurel Doersam and I accepted the 
responsibility of convening an OSonOS after one had been held in Berlin.

So please feel free to call, skype, email and otherwise plunder what ever I 
know if it seems helpful.

Chris Corrigan

On 2010-05-18, at 3:07 PM, Phelim McDermott wrote:

> Hi Folks, 
> I've just got back to London from USA and have been checking in with Matilda 
> and the OSlist. I am very excited about the prospect of London for Wosonos 
> 2012 and Improbable working on hosting this event. I'd got the impression we 
> had got a YES and I was waiting to speak to the rest of our team before 
> saying anything but realise that I should say something now.  
> I had been talking to other members of our company  about the potential 
> invite for a while and wanted to say that this was a very heartfelt 
> invitation from myself and Improbable which involved us supporting Matilda to 
> fly to the centre of the circle to Berlin to make the invitation at the very 
> last minute.  It was like one of those sessions that don't happen unless you 
> .... Hold... Wait... Hold...... The space and could so easily  not have 
> happened. A true impulse that Matilda really supported and I'd like to thank 
> her for that. I'd also like to thank Sarah Jane and Nick at Improbable for 
> buying her ticket out to Berlin the day before she left !      
> I also wanted to say that part of my excitement, having been to both wosonos 
> and Harrisons "osonos by the sea," is to support the potential for our UK 
> Open space community to connect to itself and to the rest of the worldwide 
> community. I think Improbable are in a unique position to get support for 
> making this event happen and to also connect it to the burgeoning community 
> of people who are now working with OS through our open space events. It's a 
> chance to both look inward across the space and outward in a welcoming way to 
> the world.
> So as Harrison said " I hear you're having a party". Well it's true we are 
> and you are all invited. I've heard enough positive response and celebration 
> to feel it's going to happen and the invitation has been accepted. (Can 
> singing Waltzing Matilda be considered a yes?) So If your process around that 
> wasn't finished in Berlin its time to speak now before we start buying the 
> bunting.
> In much excitement and love 
> Phelim 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 18 May 2010, at 21:12, Thomas Herrmann <tho...@openspaceconsulting.com> 
> wrote:
>> Dear friends in Open Space
>> I would like to thank the UK team and in particular Matilda for making a 
>> wonderful invitation for coming to London 2012 for the 20th WOSonOS and I 
>> have already put the teabag in my cup ;-).
>> I don’t know how others experienced the process/decision making. My 
>> understanding is that the offer to go to Chile 2011 was accepted right after 
>> the presentation.
>> Regarding London 2012 there was one concern raised in the group which I did 
>> not feel was discussed enough at that point – so I did not feel the decision 
>> was made at that point. I did get that feeling though, later when Lisa 
>> during the closing circle shared her appreciation for the offers and invited 
>> us to celebrate the acceptance with her. We all danced in the center (all 
>> who were left) and to me it felt clearly like the offer to go to London was 
>> accepted by the group then. But that is my story and I am not sure about 
>> others. I do feel  it is important to know if we did decide to go to London 
>> 2012, so that’s why I bring this up.
>> Just as some others pointed out, one learning for future sponsors, I think, 
>> is to make sure there is lots of time for deciding on whatever offers are 
>> made – and be prepared to be surprised. And the only preparation needed when 
>> you want to be prepared to be surprise, IMHO, is space/time.
>> With appreciation for all who had part in making my week in Berlin deeply 
>> learning and full of joy.
>> Thomas Herrmann - naturlig företagsutveckling
>> Open Space Consulting…
>> ...bistår er med att släppa loss de naturliga krafterna i er organisation. 
>> Ta tillvara hela potentialen och skapa en långsiktigt hållbar och 
>> framgångsrik verksamhet! Vi har verktygen och stödjer helst att överföra 
>> kompetensen så ni kan klara er utan oss...
>> Ring: +46 (0)709
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