Hello, Jon -

The part that I can answer is a portion of your fourth question: where does the profit go. Since 2001 the tradition amongst Host Teams for WOSonOSs has been to - after all bills are paid - donate their profits to Access Queen - to 'pay it forward' for the next years' Askers and to in this way support the next year's Host Team's ability to include diverse people.

I use these funds to help 'Askers' (those who just need a small bit of funding in order to make the difference in their ability to come) by (depending on the Askers or Host Teams' needs and abilities that given year) pay for some housing if home stays are not available, or make up the difference in what is the cost for registration / lowest amount the Host Team can afford to cover per-person costs / amount the Asker themselves can contribute (all Askers contribute the most that they can). Or I use these to give pocket money to some Askers if they need it (this or to buy a book, join others going out to dinner or take the metro - some of the hidden / surprise costs of travel to another country for lower-income folks). Or to cover the food costs for translators coming to the conference. Things like that (and the Host Teams and I stay in close contact to share any of these needs, requests and resources).

In many years the money in my project goes down to zero at the time of the conference as I place the remaining small funds into Askers' hands if they need it. In some years some money remains in the fund to pay forward into the next years' Askers needs. Some Host Teams make substantial profit, some just a few dollars profit, and so it is not the amount that one would weigh, it is the commitment, generosity and act of paying forward whatever profit is raised.

Global Village Marketplace is a tradition at the WOSonOSs to help people raise funds for their own travel expenses or to pay forward into the Access Queen project. Silent Auction is another tradition at the WOSonOSs to raise awareness and some funds for the Access Queen project (depending on the hosting country and currency this is sometimes more, sometimes less money. But again it is not the amount that is the issue - it is the combined efforts and energy of conference participants thinking of others and the awareness raising / sharing resources and culture through our interchange of lovely items and shared financial resources which is the 'goal'.

Some regional OSonOSs and individual hosts -also- donate some or all of their profits to the Access Queen project to pay it forward towards WOSonOS Askers.

I think it is wonderful that generous OpenSpaceniks contribute to people they do not even know and may never meet, without having to see (but just know) the results of their generosity and supportive energy, because they know good things will happen and that they are directly contributing to the richness of diversity and to the support of Open Space around the world, person by person by person. A deep bow to you all, on behalf of past and future Askers,


On May 19, 2010, at 12:35 AM, Jon Harvey wrote:


I'm confused & I seek information / clarity.

Who hosted the WOSONOS that we have just had? I assumed it was BOSCOP - as all the web hosting / invitations were on the BOSCOP site. Am I correct?

It is my understanding that whilst it is Matilda & Phelim / Improbable who are taking the lead on the 'Olympic' (?) WOSONOS, this will be done in an expansive & inclusive way. Am I correct in that understanding?

(Indeed, Matilda, Phelim & I already have set a date to have a preliminary meeting. Also I have an Associate who is keen to pitch in as well. There will be others, I am sure)

For those who seem unsure that the 2012 WOSONOS should be in London, are there other offers on the table?

Finally - related but separate point - was a 'profit' made from the Berlin WOSONOS? What happens to that money? Or should I not be asking this question? In other words - are the finances of each WOSONOS an independent & private matter? I am curious.

Any answers would be wonderful thanks! (I am delighting in being able to hear the voices of many here now)



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