Dear friends in Open Space

Today I opened a small but wonderful space for people from all over Sweden
and also a person from Norway, who all work with COPE a program for training
parents to be more fully present with their children (The Community Parent
Education Program). The purpose was to explore ways to develop how COPE is
used in Sweden. The participants found a perfect match with Open Space
Technology as it is also so much about empowerment. We’ll see where this

Best regards

Thomas Herrmann - naturlig företagsutveckling

Open Space Consulting…

...bistår er med att släppa loss de naturliga krafterna i er organisation.
Ta tillvara hela potentialen och skapa en långsiktigt hållbar och
framgångsrik verksamhet! Vi har verktygen och stödjer helst att överföra
kompetensen så ni kan klara er utan oss...

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