Dear Jack,
had to read all the stuff you pulled together around OT.
The one time I attended an OT gathering was in 1997 in Highlands, Ingrid Ebeling was there, too. We met in a see-through tent on the lawn of the village square of Highlands with children, policeman, other human beings and various animals including butterflies meandering in and out of the tent. Participants were up to stuff that certainly was not pc. One break out session reported of burning money which raised a great huff in the evening news upon which a couple of participants went into the center of the circle burning more bills which was considered a horrible provocation. One evening ho invited us to attend a spirit session with a medicine man from the nearby hills of North Carolina in a hotel assembly room...I think everyone went, got smouched, settled down on the carpeted floor. The medicine man sounded his drums, interrupted to say the only thing that he did say during the entire session: "I love you all but I do not care for you." (this has become an important part of my facilitation stance)...continued drumming, people around me falling asleep, snoring, farting, I could not concentrate...what seemed just a few minutes later people awoke and spoke in great detail of the ancestors that they had just met. I felt very much an outsider and did never attend another OT gathering. A feeling that was voiced much more pointedly by the only black person attending, similar to Yaaris question in the closing circle of WOSonOS XVIII fifteen years later: is this for white and rich folks? To me, it appeared to be a strangely closed "community"... The concept of OT, I clearly felt and still feel is the new paradigm while OD lingers on forcefully imbedded in a multibillion consulting industry closely meshed with the industrial/military/political/etc. complex (Eisenhower). I see no signs of OD morphing which, as I understand it, also is not the mode in which paradigm shifts occur. A new paradigm can only exist if the preceeding one is wiped out, obsolete, no longer tastes right,ect. The operating mode in OD is still "experts improve systems" with little attention to the forces of selforganisation. "Everybody improving systems" is at home in the open space world...and, if I got this right, always has been, long before there were human-made systems. For me, that is the explanation why the core apparently needs no splintering. The process, OST, in my short acquaintance with it, however, is continually evolving in my practice. Working on a book on "my open space pratice" for more than three years now has shown me that in the last months I had to do some extensive editing of earlier drafts because my practice is evolving. The set of task cards for setting up an open space of the year 2008 desperately needs a thorough revision for the same reason. These changes in the "procedure" (form) are becoming necessary because my practice is providing continuously new insights into the "concept" (function).
Have a great day
see you in Sardinia for the next European Learning Exchange (OSonOS) in 2011 and if we get pissed at whatever, lets go out and have a beer (wine?)in the next pub...

Jack Martin Leith schrieb:
Thanks for raising this, Artur.

I've pulled a couple of old web pages about the OT symposia from my very
dusty digital archives, blown off the cobwebs, and uploaded them to

Hope these are useful.

In 1988, John Adams ( wrote:

Sometime during the very early years of this decade [the 1980s], probably
in 1981 or 1982, a large number of people began to use the term organisation
transformation to describe their work. During the Spring of 1982, a few of
these people recognized each other at a conference outside of Boston, and
began to discuss their common interest in concepts like vision, purpose,
spirit in the workplace and global perspective.


Could it be that the ideas highlighted in red are taken as read (sorry - no
pun intended) these days, and that OD has - to some extent - morphed into
OT, as you mention?

The rest of the John Adams article can be found here:

With regard to your earlier email, I agree that PC is rife in the Open Space
community, and that it is not safe to raise certain issues - not only in
these posts, but beyond OSList.

Two years ago, Paul Levy and I announced a discussion session, Open Space
2.0: Beyond the Dogma. The announcement triggered some hostility and a heap
of defensive responses. Paul received an item of what can only be called
hate mail from a prominent member of the so-called OS community (perhaps
more like what Scott Peck would call 'pseudo-community').

Pseudo-community: Where participants are "nice with each other",
playing-safe, and presenting what they feel is the most favourable sides of
their personalities.


I've had similar responses to other posts, which is why I rarely post to
this list these days.

25 years down the track, if they survive that long, most organisational
concepts and tools have splintered and evolved. Open Space hasn't, and I'm
not sure this is a good thing. It seems to reflect a degree of orthodoxy.

I await howls of protest.

Thank you again, Artur. These things need to be said.

If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals
from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just
feeding the crocodile, hoping he'll eat you last. – Ronald Reagan


Jack Martin Leith
Leith Co-creation
London, United Kingdom
Mobile: 07831 840541 (+44 7831 840541)
Skype: jackmartinleith
Professional website:
Personal website:

On 29 May 2010 19:19, Artur Silva <> wrote:

  Dear all

Thanks for the map, Jack.

The map, and some clarifications by Harrison, reminded me of a different

OST was born in the "Organization Transformation Conferences".

In WOSonOS in Berlin, I met a lady (that I cannot remember the name and
later have not seen her again to ask for the contacts) that told me that the
last OT Conference was to be held in London, but there were insufficient
registrations and it did not took place. Nor any other after that.

In ancient mails, in the OSLIST Archives, I can see that OT22 took place in
Scotland, in 2004, and OT23 was planned to take place in Milwaukee, in 2005.
I also remember to later receive an invitation to London, and I even
considered to go there (and profit to see my sister and my English family,
in Brighton). But later I could not. But that exchange of mails is lost with
a computer that crashed many moons ago.

If there is anyone that can complete the story from OT22 to the last one
that took (or not) place, I would be grateful.

I would also like to understand why the OT Conferences died (without any
trace that I could discover in the Internet).

And why have the OT Conferences died if the distinction between OD and OT
is IMHO more needed now than ever before?

Maybe this can be somehow related with my previous post.

If there is no longer a clear distinction between OD and OT, than OST and
all the other "large group facilitation methods" belong after all to the
same stream - OD.

Interesting, don't you think?



*From:* Harrison Owen <>
*Sent:* Thu, May 27, 2010 10:34:02 PM
*Subject:* Re: [OSLIST] ODWS - Journey through time; suggestions please !!

 Jack – I have always loved your “map” – if only because it provides me
and  (indirectly I presume), and Open Space Technology with an impressive
lineage which is at once colorful, although perhaps  undeserved. It is true
that my first public foray into the realm of Organization Transformation
happened at a regional conference of ODN (Organization Development Network)
– I gave a paper. What is also true is that at the time I had no real clue
what Organization Development might be, where it came from, or what it might
be useful for. My inspiration, training and experience came from a rather
different place, including but not limited to a layman’s understanding of
the New Physics, a rather deeper understanding of the myth and ritual of the
ancient near east, and an appreciation of a variety of (what now would be
called) esoteric traditions. Strange things like Tibetan Buddhism, Sufi
thought (Rumi), some deep learning at the feet of (West) African Shamans,
the work of Joseph Campbell, Ken Wilbur  – and other assorted denizens of
the Fringe. I wouldn’t claim academic expertise for most of this, but
existential, on the ground experience for sure. Truth to tell, when
Organization Transformation first reflected the light of day it was not
viewed in a positive fashion by the powers that be (were) in the world of
OD. Definitely heretical! Off the Wall! Out of Sight!! Some still feel that
way, I am sure – but times change. And a lot of the people who found the
idea of Organization Transformation radically abhorrent became friends. I
can’t say we have always agreed – but we are friends.

And then we come to Open Space Technology. It does not come from, nor is it
part of the great tradition (lately created) of Large Scale Interventions.
It began as it remains – The product of two Martinis (and before that the
Big Bang)!  There was no careful research, no critical analysis of preceding
efforts – just a little Gin and (much less) vermouth.  And with all that as
ancestors, you got to keep it simple.  – Sit in a circle, create a bulletin
board, open a market place – and Go to work. Hasn’t changed a bit ever
since. But I am sure that our understanding of what happens has gone a lot
deeper – which is not to say that we are getting anywhere near the depths we
must achieve. But we are moving in the right direction, I think. And it is


Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854


Phone 301-365-2093 (Personal Website)

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*From:* OSLIST [] *On Behalf Of *Jack
Martin Leith
*Sent:* Thursday, May 27, 2010 3:11 PM
*Subject:* Re: ODWS - Journey through time; suggestions please !!

Thanks for mentioning the map, Michael.

I've just uploaded it to my server in case anyone wants to see it.

Here's the URL:

It's a big file ... sorry ... I don't have time right now to make it any


Jack Martin Leith
Leith Co-creation
London, United Kingdom
Mobile: 07831 840541 (+44 7831 840541)
Skype: jackmartinleith
Professional website:
Personal website:

 On 27 May 2010 15:05, Michael Herman <> wrote:

i'll second jeff's recommendation of marv weisbord's 'productive
workplaces.'  that was the first thing that came to mind here.  another was
a map that jack martin leith did some years ago, showing overlapping
development paths of various methods and leading practitioners.  jack?



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

312-280-7838 (mobile)

 On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:39 AM, VISUELLE PROTOKOLLE <> wrote:

Dear Gerard,

Our friend Jon Jenkins, who sadly died recently, said as the father of the
IAF Method Database, that right now the three most important elements in our

Greetings from Italy

Reinhard Kuchenmüller


Am 27/05/10 08:16 schrieb "Gerard Muller" unter <>:

Dear All,

At the upcoming Organisational Development World Summit (see, which is organised in collaboration with
several organisations and communities - amongst which several who are on
this list , we are organising part of the program as a special journey
through the history of our profession, before we move into it’s future.

I would like to ask for your help in identifying what you feel are the 2-3
elements which deserve a place in this journey. This could be either in the
history of the profession (a book, a bit of research,  the birth of an
method or theory), or in the history of the society around (political,
technological, ...).

If you have a specific idea how to represent the elements which come to
mind, that would be great.
In the case of a publication, it could be the book itself, in the case of
an event maybe the invitation,
a poster, pictures. But we’ll also have space for filmclips and music.

Please mail any ideas to my E-mail at, in the course of
the coming week.

Thanks for your assistance !!

Greetings from Denmark,

Gerard Muller

Open Space Institute Denmark
Phone: (+45) 21269621
Skype: openspace1 <>

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