
That is fantastic - I would so love it if that did happen and I think if we ask them to bring anything to contribute like you have suggested, anything could happen.

Thank you Thank you

Sarah-Jane Rawlings
General Manager
4th Floor
43 The Aldwych

020 7240 4556

Join our social network: http://devotedanddisgruntled.ning.com
Follow us on Twitter @ improbable1 or @ DandDUK
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'Extraordinary shows from ordinary lives'
The Financial Times

Lyric Hammersmith, London, 7 - 17 July
(no performance on Sunday 11th)

No Idea
An Improbable Associate Artist Project

Young Vic Theatre, London,21-31 July
(no performance on Sunday 25th or Monday 26th)

P Help to save paper - do you need to print this email?

On 15 Jun 2010, at 21:13, Harrison Owen wrote:

More thoughts… Some years ago a large group of American Community Arts Councils did an OS on their work – just like you all. But it was an Open Space unlike any other I have ever seen. The participants were a talented crew, to say the least, with an inventive passion that seemed to know no bounds. Right from the start when they announced their sessions it was a new and different ballgame. Session announcements were danced, mimed, sung, drummed and just about every other artistic medium you can think of. And it went from there all through the two days. When they got to the end, I guess you could call it a “closing circle” but improve dance would be more accurate. Anyhow I would presume that you will be hosting a similarly talented group, and my suggestion would to invite them to brings anything that they feel might contribute to the party. Instruments for sure, but that might be just the beginning. Who am I to tell you and Phelim how to “do improv” – but I think you will have a lot more fun if you think of the gathering not (just) as an Open Space but also as a wonderful improvisation with 150 participants. And for sure the 3 year olds will be the stars!


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854
Phone 301-365-2093
www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
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From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Sarah-Jane Rawlings
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 11:06 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Facilitating open space for a diversity of ages

I work with Phelim at Improbable and in July we are facilitating an open space for 150 teachers and their pupils and artists who have all been working together over the last five years in a government supported programme around artists in schools. The aim of the open space is to give all of the participants an opportunity to feed back on the experience but also to begin to think about how they could be taking it all forward and the question is: Knowing what we know now, what should we really be doing at school?

The participants will include children as young as 3 to 16 and their teachers and the artists who have been working with them and I just wondered if anyone had experience of facilitating open space with this diversity of age range. We have thought about enlarging the news room to include a kind of craft / making area to enable the very young ones (and anyone else of course) to report in ways other than using computers but would welcome any other tips at all.

Thank you very much.


Sarah-Jane Rawlings
General Manager

020 7240 4556

Join our social network: http://devotedanddisgruntled.ning.com
Follow us on Twitter @ improbable1 or @ DandDUK
You can also visit us on: www.facebook.com

On 14 Jun 2010, at 13:30, Harrison Owen wrote:

Lisa -- for whatever it is worth -- in 1985, the year of the first Open Space I celebrated my 50th birthday. Turned out that life was just beginning
-- again. Have fun!


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854
Phone 301-365-2093
www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Lise
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 4:19 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: SV: [OSLIST] Es ist fertig angerichtet und kann vorbestellt werden!

THANK YOU Michael!
I really look forward to get your book - and hope that I understand some

And I'm very happy to hear that if it isn't too late to start at age 56,
then there is still hope...

I enjoyed our talks in Berlin...

See you!

Lise Damkjær
civilingeniør og FLOWvært
T: 2949 9636

Learning4life udforsker flow i (arbejds-)livet, projekter og i virksomheden.
Blog: http://lisedamkjaer.blogspot.com

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] På vegne af Michael M
Sendt: 12. juni 2010 09:06
Til: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Emne: [OSLIST] Es ist fertig angerichtet und kann vorbestellt werden!

Liebe Listige,
ja, es ist fertig und erscheint diesen Sommer, das Buch über
"Meine open space Praxis".
Vom ersten Kontakt mit dem Veranstalter über das Vorbereitungstreffen
und die Durchführung des open space bis zu den Nächsten Treffen...hier
findet sich alles, was zu meiner open space Praxis gehört.
Und, was sind die Folgen der Arbeit mit open space in einer
Organisation? Das beschreibt ein Veranstalter in einem extra Kapitel.
Hier das ganze Inhaltsverzeichnis für einen Vorgeschmack:


Bis zum 17. Juni kann das Buch versandkostenfrei und mit einem Rabatt
von 28% vorbestellt werden. Wer in den nächsten 5 Tagen vorbestellt
bekommt einen guten Preis und ich weiß genauer, wie hoch die Auflage
sein soll.
Das Formular zum vorbestellen gibt es hier


Einfach ausdrucken, ausfüllen, an den Verlag faxen oder anderweitig zum
Verlag auf den Weg bringen (alle Kontaktdaten zum Verlag sind auf dem
Zettel). Nach dem 17. Juni schickt der Verlag eine Rechnung...dann
trudelt das "Dankeschön" von mir ein und im Laufe des Sommers folgt das

Für die BegleiterInnen unter Euch kann es sich durchaus lohnen, vor
jedem aufregenden zukünftigen open space in dem Buch zu
schmökern...schon alleine um sicher zu gehen, dass nicht etwas 4322 oder
die Vorlage für das Dokublatt, der Kärtchensatz oder andere wirklich
wichtige Dinge vergessen wurden.
Für Euch TeilnehmerInnen, VeranstalterInnen, Forschende...und
anderweitig an dem Verfahren interessierte gibt es Einblicke aus Euren
Perspektiven in die Welt von open space...unterstützt von fast 100
farbigen Bilder.

Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin Lichterfelde

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin
++49 - 30-772 8000

Auf der open space world map finden Sie 137 Frauen und Männer,
die in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz mit open space arbeiten. Weltweit sind es 395 aus 69 Ländern, die in insgesamt 141 Ländern aktiv
Mal reinschauen!

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