Hello, dear colleagues -

Michael brought up a lovely reminder - the World Open Space on Open
Space is this October in Chile.
The 2012 World Open Space on Open Space is in London.

It is very helpful to hear of a bit more than a year advance of where
a future WOSonOS will be - so we can save our pennies and euros and
rands with enough advance notice to do so - and put our dreams in our
And for some Host Teams - it can take a year or more to plan, find
resources, connect to each other as community, share learning and get
ready to host - though some teams need less advance time for their own

Historically, a marvelous way to invite the world to your country for
a WOSonOS is to either come yourself to a WOSonOS or send a message
through a representative (from any country) who is coming to the
WOSonOS - to make your invitation. Past inviters have given us such a
lovely flavor of culture and have illustrated how a growing community
of Open Space practitioners is waiting and ready to host this
international gathering.

I underline: you do not have to be able to attend the WOSonOS in order
to invite - though it may be helpful to try to do so if your resources
will allow - to experience some of the traditions of WOSonOSs and see
how other Host Teams do it.  However in past, I or Brian or Thomas and
Eva have invited on others' behalf, for those future Host Teams who
are unable to send a representative.
It works so well when the inviters can give a flavor for the culture
and the capacity of doing Open Space work and being able to host - so
you might want to think about that when it is your turn to think about

I have a letter I have kept rolling over the years since 2011 - with
wisdom from past WOSonOS Host Teams - good ideas to read *before* you
think about inviting - as their lessons learned are similar from year
to year and their wisdom is very helpful to those of you thinking of
inviting for future years.  Please do let me know if you / your
country mates are thinking of inviting - contact me directly at 
 and I can send you this letter of wise advice.

Not that you have to do it in the same way - but that there are some
lessons learned you may wish to know about.

Remember that the most people who can come come over land or short
plane trips - because that is what is most affordable. So your largest
participant group will come from your own region.
And instead of this just being a fun international event that we folks-
from-outside-your-region get to go to  - a 'one-off' - my
recommendation is to think of how the Chile Host Team and the London
Host Team are doing it - building capacity of facilitators in their
own region through workshops, gathering, local OSonOSs and more - long
before the event date - building a community of practice in Open
Space. Not just doing a WOSonOS event. So an Open Space community
existed before, supports during, and continues after this event.

As Michael offered - I, too am happy to help and support you in your

Who will invite us for 2013? Do you have a plan for building capacity
in your community? Do you have an existing community of Open Space
I will be in Chile this October so perhaps I will see you there or
help you make your invitation....


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
Opening Space

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