Hi, dear Thomas -

About the small room - you know what I'm going to say, Thomas: just keep in mind that there are participants who may have physical abilities and disabilities you may not know about / may not see by looking. So if you are asking some folks to sit on the ground or stand for a long period this may or may not be comfortable for some people who are too shy to ask for different seating or to speak up mid- process to say they need to sit or move. So my recommendation is to think about physical access, movement, room to breathe, room to think, and peoples' personal (and not always obvious) abilities.

Koos you had some excellent thoughts and advice. Including...I wonder if there are more than several little things which are sparking your intuition, Thomas - about this not being the best event for Open Space? Such as some already set elements, talking about action but perhaps a majority of participants will not need action, a thought about if action is not supported or sustainable once they leave the meeting is it realistic to include action planning as part of this meeting? And the other stuff planned the 'have to do' - of course you will see if this is something adjustable or if it breaks up the Open Space time in some way and prevents peoples' arc of thinking and interchange and flow. And if you have to do too many things earlier in the meeting - what does that do to the Open Space?

I know you will ask all these questions and think of all these possibilities.

But most importantly - what does your intuition - not just your brain - tell you? When is the point you push through with OS, and when do you sense that it is a great opportunity for some other amazing interactive dialogue stuff that is not OS?

I am interested in hearing how your thoughts unfold as you learn more from this client (and from yourself),


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
 Opening Space

Ask me about these 2011 workshops for facilitators and others who convene people:
 - The Open Space Learning Workshop
        - May 4-6 and December 14-16 - San Francisco, USA
        - June and October - Santiago, Chile (en español)
        - June - Buenos Aires, Argentina (en español)
 - The Power of Pre-Work - August 24-26 - San Francisco, USA
 - Documenting Dialogue - Coming soon

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