Dear Thomas

Thanks for the question. You already got many great answers– here comes just
a thought. 


Your own thinking – if you think it is a crowed place – people will feel
that and it will become a truth. If you think that there is enough space for
the whole event – then this is what people will feel. So your own thoughts
might also influence the setting J I remember when I had a training – the
room was really crowed but during my sessions I did “send” there is enough
space for everyone. In the evaluation people wrote it was so strange during
Ulrikas session there was enough space in the room but not in the other
session. The other facilitators said that the room was so crowed and were
very stressed for this. 


And it is also thinkable to make the meeting accessible for people with


Wish you good luck and also go with your “stomach feeling” – should it be OS
here or another form?



[] För Thomas Herrmann
Skickat: den 6 april 2011 00:29
Ämne: [OSList] Large group small main room


Hi friends in Open Space

I have a challenge coming on. A group want to use OST for a meeting, they
have booked a space and expect maybe 100 participants. The challenge is that
the main room – if we can’t be outside which you normally know the day
before or so even if it’s late summer…that’s how it is in Sweden…

Well, the main room is about 10*10 meters which is too little BUT I want to
give it a go (they cannot change location, they say). There is lots of space
for break outs and maybe maybe we can even find another solution for the
main circles – the dining area – if we can find somewhere else to dine/or
break the circle during lunch might be another solution. Anyhow – I will
have to go and explore different opportunities…. Hmmm seems I find some
possible solutions while writing…


Anyhow, my question is – has anyone any experiences of a similar situation,
where people are really crammed in the main room. I am thinking about
inviting those who can, to stand during the opening, and maybe give 60
persons a chair in two circles – which gives a little space at the agenda
wall… A little more chaos than normal, but it should work… Or have cushions
as an inner circle…?


So, any experiences, ideas or just some cheering would be appreciated


Great to be in this new space with you!

Best regards


Thomas Herrmann - naturlig företagsutveckling

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