
What a luxury and so I can understand why you want to fine tune the programme 
which already looks very good as it is.

Just one thought: those who want to continue on projects for the coming year 
might appreciate the last morning to get themselves together, build rapport and 
coordinate actions so I might be tempted to bring forward what you propose for 
the last session on day 3 (continuing the work and 1 min advertisement) to the 
last session on day 2.

I wish you well and most of all - have fun.

Kind regards
Amanda Bucklow
Commercial Mediator
Facilit8 Communications Limited
+44 (0)330 660 0588

On 17 May 2011, at 23:18, Jennifer Hurley wrote:

> Hello everyone.  Some months ago I shared a story about introducing OS to the 
> Congress for the New Urbanism over several years. In just 2 weeks, the annual 
> Congress will include OS as one of the plenaries for the first time ever.  
> Here’s how OS will be incorporated into the Congress schedule:
> Day 1
> 9 – 10:30 -  OS in morning plenary (nothing else is scheduled at this time – 
> expect 300-400 people)
> Rest of the day – OS available concurrently with regular conference breakout 
> sessions
> Day 2
> OS available throughout the day concurrently with breakout sessions
> Day 3
> OS available in the morning concurrently with breakout sessions
> 12:45 – 1:45 – OS wrap-up (in plenary room with nothing else scheduled at the 
> time, but over lunchtime)
> Here’s our theme:
> How can we employ new urbanist principles to help our world become safer, 
> happier, and more prosperous?
> How can the CNU organization have the greatest impact in the coming years? 
> So I have a couple of questions for this incredibly experienced, thoughtful, 
> and helpful (!) group.
> For the OS in the morning plenary on Day 1, this will be the first time that 
> many people hear of OS. We’re going to open up the schedule for the entire 
> 3-day period at this time. I expect that the opening will take 20-30 minutes. 
> Should we give a full hour to 1 discussion session, or should we try to have 
> some kind of “closing” in the last 15 minutes of the time slot, so people who 
> have never experienced OS see the full arc?
> Based on past experience with OS during the Congress (never in such a 
> prominent role before), we expect that some OS discussions will generate 
> projects that people want to continue working on during the year.  For the 
> wrap-up on the last day, we want to give people a chance to find other people 
> to join their projects and also to reflect on the experience with OS.
> o  5 min – Welcome: Thank people for participating and explain what we will 
> do during the closing session
> o  10-15 min – Continuing the Work: Invite people who intend to continue work 
> on their topic or initiative during the year to give a 1-minute 
> “advertisement” about their effort
> o  20-25 min – Reflection: Give people the opportunity to respond to the 
> question: What was the biggest take-away for you from your participation in 
> OS?
> o  20 min – Notes Gallery: Have the movable notes wall in the plenary room 
> for this session, and leave time for people to review the notes and sign up 
> for topics they’re interested in
> Any thoughts or reactions to that plan?  Any advice or suggestions?
> Thanks so much. It’s very helpful to know that there’s this wise group to 
> reach out to!
> Jennifer Hurley
> __________________________
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> p: 215-988-9440  |  f: 215-988-9441  |  c: 267-971-4598
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