Suzanne and All

What an astonishingly insightful and inspiring piece to bring to the
attention of participants in Stammtisch
gatherings<>around our
little planet, 3rd from the sun.

I will do this for the novitiates in Adelaide, South Australia, who were
given training in OST by Brendan McKeague of Perth, Western Australia.

Now back living in Adelaide, after six happy years in Hong Kong, I am
setting local Stammtischs in train.

Number 2 is on 5 Sept 2011 which means that it will coincide - and likely be
'in tune' - with similar get togethers in other countries on dates listed in
Michael M Pannwitz link above.

The venue is my new abode Christie
See also a little video on this remarkable 'right
featured on a
locally produced TV program.

What a great 'sparking' point you have generated Suzanne. <smile>

And what a lovely gift to the whole Spacenik community.

With much appreciation


On 7 August 2011 22:48, Suzanne Daigle <> wrote:

> Dear Dan,
> Coming from someone who just can't get enough of Open Space ever since I
> was seriously introduced to it over 2 years ago, I'd say that the question
> is not about the size of the group and the number of people who are there.
> I'm speaking from the perspective of Open Space events with over 300 people,
> with only 10 and even just 2 individual (yes it worked...beautifully!) I
> fell in love with Open Space because I recognized its potential in our
> workplace, in community, in schools, and in so many places. I had seen
> sparks of open space in those places so it  felt familiar but never had it
> been captured as it was with Open Space Technology nor embodied as it is by
> this wonderful world-wide Open Space community including facilitators and
> participants.
> In the 30 or more times that I have facilitated, co-facilitated or attended
> an Open Space as a participant, there have been a few occasions where Open
> Space just didn't seem to have the energy, traction or spirit.
> In each case, it was either because there wasn't:
>    - a real issue of concern, a lot of caring about the issue and a lot at
>    stake (personally or collectively; a reason for meeting that resonates
>    embodied by a theme)
>    - a high level of complexity (an issue to tackle that is bigger than
>    any single individual or small group)
>    - a real passion, caring a lot about the situation or issue
>    - diversity (diversity in thinking, diversity in being open or in other
>    words not rehashing the same stuff with the same people; a true interest in
>    fully engaging, listening and speaking)
>    - a spirit of invitation (you don't have to come but we'd love you to
>    come and we'd want you there because you have a lot to contribute); and if
>    you do decide to come, it's because you have passion and care enough to 
> take
>    responsibility and are making the commitment to be there the whole time
>    - an open dialogue with the sponsor and host team in the pre-work about
>    self-organization, how Open Space is not your typical predict-control model
>    geared to a defined outcome, not your traditional facilitation, and not the
>    oft way of leading when someone is expected to inspire, have all the 
> answers
>    or make the final decisions.
> Harrison has said it, others have too; I believe all ingredients above need
> to be present. It is the important pre-work of Open Space, the meaningful
> dialogue that happens before an event, which also includes "personal
> preparation" by the facilitator (as I recall, there's a whole chapter on
> this in Harrison's User Guide).
> Reading your two examples, I think it is clear what was missing.   Open
> Space is not a technique to learn from a quick read or something that
> someone can come into at the last minute because they've facilitated many
> times before.
> That said, I could easily make the case to put everything I've just said
> aside.  Space in life is always open, whatever happens happens, it's the
> only thing that could have. Wherever, whenever, I treasure the moments that
> we are more consciously opening "space" and "time" in our lives.  Any time
> we get off the frantic treadmill that is numbing us to life, choosing
> instead to be more present, to solve real problems, to address real issues,
> and to work together, that time will always be special. I trust that when we
> do so, self-organizing and leadership will always emerge from all kinds of
> places. We need only trust that it will and that it can.
> My reflections on this beautiful sunny Sunday morning from Canada working
> with an awesome team as we plan a series of Open Space events, all of us
> inventing, creating and especially inviting a new opening of space because
> these times are calling on us to do so.
> Suzanne
> --
> Suzanne Daigle
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> 7159 Victoria Circle
> University Park, FL 34201
> FL 941-359-8877;
> CT 203-722-2009
> twitter @suzannedaigle
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